Wels: Police seek a flight after two perpetrators


<img src = "http://www.regionews.at/data/example/police/police2.jpg" clbad = "ls-bg" alt = "[879002] Symbolic image: Police

21 Jul


by Gerhard Repp
Print this article [20.09.208] On July 20, 2018, at approximately 1 pm, a 30-year-old Welser pub reported receiving the watch at 7 pm in Wels in Stelzhamerstraße in front of a restaurant had been robbed. He stated that the two authors had threatened to beat him and that he therefore had to hand over his articles, among others. Cash and a cell phone, have forced.

description of the offender:
1 person: male, about 26-29 years, max. 170cm high, chubby silhouette, short blond hair (about 6mm), three-day beard, dressed in green baggy shorts, gray top
2 people: man, black, 30 years or older 172cm tall, slender figure , black short curls.

Source: LPD Oberösterreich

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