Who came too close to whom? Outrage after the killing of polar bears in "self-defense" «DiePresse.com


The terms "self-defense" and "self-defense" are the subject of an examination after an incident involving a polar bear in Spitsbergen, Norway. The animal attacked a member of the German crew of the cruise ship "Bremen". The animal had injured the polar bear guard of the ship on the head, said Hapag-Lloyd Cruises organizer. The man is accessible and saves the mortal danger. "But he remains for observation at the Tromso Hospital," said organization spokesman Negar Etminan on Sunday in Hamburg.

According to Hapag-Lloyd, the man had left Saturday with other guards, but without tourists. Previously, the rescue service had stated that the attack had occurred when a group of tourists was moored in a small boat on an island.

The cruises organizer promotes trips to Longyearbyen experience. "Where polar bears rule the wilderness," says the website, "nature determines the course of turbulent days." A ten-day trip with the "Bremen", which can take 160 pbadengers, costs at least 5810 euros.

The fact that people come so close to the dangerous polar bear, after the recent incident of criticism. Many people express their horror on social media, such as the British comedian Ricky Gervais. He wrote on Twitter: "Get closer to a polar bear in his natural environment and then kill him when he's approaching too much." Idiots. "

" Are we approaching too much of a polar bear in its natural environment, and then killing it if it is too close. "Morons https://t.co/FEPt0sYOtF

– Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) 29. July 2018

Other critics also question the concept of self-defense. "The house of the glaciers is not a place damned tourist. "

North Pole – the cruise ship operator said that he was" in a state of self-defense. "Self-defense ?! The Polar Bear House is not a bloody tourist place. #polarbear #Extinction https://t.co/BrO94BdZ30

– I am tiny Rick! (@timleavy) 29. July 2018

Hapag -Lloyd Cruises also criticizes the description of the trip

@HLCruisesInt … and if the polar bear does not want to be photographed while eating, he must unfortunately be shot … Who d iridescent the Arctic? Arkt #fuerallediewasmerken #polarbear #eisbaer #arkar #crises #HapagLoyd pic.twitter.com/7Rsbl3ZWdq

– Andrea Katharina (@ AndreaNeumannC1 ) 30. July 2018

Criticism of the expanded polar bear tour also broadens the general criticism of the intrusion into animal shelters.

Hey @HLCruises What else do you propose for trips with your floating waste incinerator, where endangered species may be shaken ? Maybe something with rhinoceros or something? #MSBremen not welcome. #polarbear

– Marten Tjaden (@MartenTjaden) 30. July 2018

The four to five polar bear observers aboard Hapag-Lloyd Cruises ships must ensure that pbadengers can go ashore safely, said a spokesman for the company. They are specially trained and armed. The pbadengers were observing the polar bears not from the ground, but aboard the ship.


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