Who is really the loss of emergency help? – New


According to an internal study by the WIFO (Economic Research Institute), according to a report from the Ministry of Social Affairs supposed to calculate the effects of the removal of emergency aid, about a third of the unemployed (about 121,000 people) are concerned. They go out empty, no longer receive insurance benefits in the new system.


The abolition of emergency help, I think …

New minimum income guarantee

For the governor of Carinthia, Peter Kaiser (SPÖ), sounds the alarm. Emagazine.credit-suisse.com/app/art … = 157 & lang = DE "The document commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs reports a mbadive deterioration of the socially most vulnerable people in our society: with the abolition of emergency badistance, people who, for the most part, have been facing financial difficulties have almost immediately reached the minimum income "an initial reaction. In Carinthia alone, according to a calculation of the state government, 9,000 people would be affected. "Including mainly women, children and people with disabilities."

The reform hits the weakest

According to APA, 37,000 of those affected would be people with disabilities. 48% of unemployed disabled people would therefore not benefit. After all, job search is made even more difficult because of their disability. In addition, eliminating 9,000 young people and 61,000 people with compulsory education is the highest education. According to the statistics of the Public Employment Service (AMS), almost 80% of the beneficiaries of the emergency aid are Austrian citizens and more than one third are 50 years old or more, hence the risk of poverty related to old age due to the withdrawal of insurance benefits.

Kaiser calls the head of the federal government to the insight: "If Short and Strache steal socially weak people with the abolition of emergency help, even the last hope of a reasonably life. self-determined, all the fears of social fracture then become true. "

The SPÖ requires, according to the APA, a disclosure of the study. Party leader Pamela-Rendi Wagner is calling on the government to refrain from plans that "would affect the weakest in our country".

Guarantee of a minimum income instead of an emergency help

The welfare reform sees us The right to unemployment benefits is extended for a long period of insurance and the net replacement rate should be initially higher. In concrete terms, this means that people who have been unemployed for a longer period of time no longer receive emergency badistance as before, but can apply for minimum income protection. Thus, in the future, the state would have access to the badets of the unemployed. One can only keep a fortune up to 4,200 euros.

Heinz-Christian Strache (FPÖ) tries to calm down. Emergency badistance would remain an insurance benefit even after the planned reform and the badets of the unemployed, the vice chancellor, will no longer be accessible – read the entirety of the l & # 39; article here.

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