In 2017, according to the new report, 270 new HIV diagnoses were made. This corresponds to a rate of 3.1 per 100,000 inhabitants. In 2013, for example, 294 new diagnoses (3.5 / 100,000) were registered.
High HIV rate in Latvia
For example, France recently had a rate of 7.8, Germany (2016) a frequency of 4.2 per 100,000 population. For example, the rate is high in Latvia (18.8 new infections per 100 000 population last year), very low in Slovakia and Slovenia (1.3 and 1.9 / 100 000, respectively). In the EU / EEA region, a new infection rate of 5.8 per 100,000 inhabitants was recorded in 2017. In 2013, it was 6.5 / 100,000.
"Not on the right track"
Positive developments in Western Europe are thwarted by the general situation in the WHO region. "The current increase in the number of HIV infections means that this region is not on track to meet the common goals of WHO and UNAIDS. by 2020 (90% of HIV infections are known, 90% of people on treatment, 90% of cases) the subject treated with a HI viral load below the detection limit in laboratory ", note) , says the report.This is a prerequisite for ending the AIDS pandemic by 2030. In the European region of WHO, by 2020, the rate of new infections should be reduced 78%.
Two million people with HIV / AIDS
In total, about 2 million people are living with HIV / AIDS in the WHO Europe region. In the Eastern Member States of the European Region of WHO, the number of AIDS cases has decreased by 7% since 2013. However, 53% of HIV diagnoses are still at a late stage infection (less than 350 CD4-positive cells per milliliter of blood and a wide range of healthy individuals around 1000 per milliliter). 20% of those affected do not know their HIV status. In EU countries and the European Economic Area too, 49% of new HIV diagnoses occur at a stage where the affected people's immune system is already severely impaired or even AIDS defining diseases already exist.
Strengthen the fight against AIDS
"Despite our efforts, HIV continues to hurt the lives of so many people, HIV causes suffering and disease, as well as discrimination and stigma," said the European Commissioner for Health, Vytenis Andriukaitis. WHO's European Director-General Zsuzsanna Jakab said: "It's hard to talk good news about unacceptable levels of HIV infection for another year." "Reducing the re-diagnosis of HIV / AIDS is an important signal for Europe's response to HIV," said Andrea Ammon, Director of the ECDC. However, according to experts, efforts to combat HIV / AIDS should be considerably intensified.
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