Wiener as point of contact for the charismatic renewal


The Holy See is creating a new organ for Catholic charismatic renewal. This was announced by the Dicastery responsible for the laity, families and life on All Saints. Among its members, the Viennese Johannes Fichtenbauer.

Viennese deacon Johannes Fichtenbauer is also involved, according to the Vatican News report. The new contact point is scheduled to begin work on December 8th.

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal incorporated elements of the Pentecostal Church and emphasized the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The statutes of the new Vatican body will be approved for a period up to 2021 ad experimentum.

No legal authority over groups

The new ministry, created at the suggestion of Pope Francis, will carry the name of CHARIS and will not exercise any legal authority over the groups concerned, as the Dicastery emphasizes: "Every charismatic reality will remain what it is, in the respect of its own identity and it will remain under the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical authority on which it depends. "At the same time, each Charismatic Renewal congregation will be able to freely use the services offered by CHARIS.

Belgian Jean-Luc Moens will lead the 18-member working group for three years. One of its members is Johannes Fichtenbauer, engaged in a dialogue with the Free Churches in Austria. The group is accompanied by the preacher of the papal house, Fr Raniero Cantalamessa.

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