Women get 43 percent less pension "kleinerzeitung.at


In Austria, women receive on average 43 per cent fewer pensions than men. This is reflected in the annual "Equal Retreat Day", which falls this year on July 28th. This is the day the average retiree has received since the beginning of the year the amount that the average retiree will reach only at the end of the year. The requests exist from several sides.

13:57, July 27, 2018


Women currently need the same amount 156 days more than men. The President of the SPÖ Retirees' Association, Peter Kostelka, attributes the unequal pay and part-time work of women to childcare or elder care, including the effects of 2003 ÖVP-FPÖ retreats. "The longer calculation period for determining the amount of the pension decided at that time sealed the fact that more and more women are receiving less and less pension. and this injustice must be eliminated as soon as possible, "said Kostelka. The worst 10 years of contributions are not included in the calculation of the pension. He also wants in the childcare periods, the full four-year credit for each child and a nursing credit with care of close relatives. For the upcoming pension increase, Kostelka reaffirmed the demand to take into account the actual inflation of products for the elderly.

The day of equal retirement was calculated by the Statistics Department of the City of Vienna since 2015. During these four years, there has been a two-day improvement throughout Austria. At most, ie six days, differences in pension income between women and men in Vienna decreased. Burgenland has improved five days since 2015. Third place is Lower Austria with a three-day improvement. There are clear differences between the different federal states. For example, the Equal Pension Day in Vorarlberg (July 5) is more than a month and a half ahead of that of Vienna (August 27). Austria was calculated on July 28th.

Early measures against this inequality and therefore against the poverty of older women also demanded on Friday Korinna Schumann, Vice President of the ÖGB and Federal Women's President. ÖGB women call for pay transparency law, granting of parental leave and extension of national education structures for children

Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek, SPÖ leader, asks the black coalition to ask for a minimum pension of 1200 euros to 40 years. Years of insurance from 1 January 2019 to implement. The proposal also includes consideration of periods of parenthood, sickness and unemployment. "Two-thirds of them would benefit."

Maria Stern, mushroom women's spokeswoman, presented the Minister of Women Juliane Bogner-Strauß (ÖVP) with her head in the sand. She proposed equal sharing of mothers and fathers and subsequent parenting after the Scandinavian model with simultaneous reduction of working hours.

NEOS spokeswoman Claudia Gamon accused the government of observing the age of women in state dependency and partners. She called for a rapid harmonization of women's retirement age, an automatic splitting of pensions and a mbadive increase in childcare places

Renate Anderl, President of the Workers' Chamber. and support for women who do not have or a bad qualification. However, the current measures of the federal government went exactly the opposite way, also criticized Anderl.

The President of the ÖVP Senior Citizens' Federation, Ingrid Korosec, demanded the credit of four years of pension per child, even in case of overlap. Splitting of the pension should be automatic and only upon request, we should be able to do without it.

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