Women get 43 percent less pension – News


Since 2015, the Statistics Department of the City of Vienna calculates the day of retirement as equal. This year it is July 28 in Austria. This is an improvement of two days since the first calculation in 2015.


Austrian women receive on average 43 percent less pension than men …

The Equal Pension Day marks these A day when men have already received so much pension that women will have until the end of the year. This year falls throughout Austria on July 28th.

However, there are obvious differences between the different federal states: on July 5, the fair day of retreat in Vorarlberg is more than a month and a half ahead of that of Vienna, the 27 August.

Justice demands from all sides

Given the drastic wage differences, all parties and badociations require more justice. According to AK Vienna, the "pension all the disadvantages for women in the labor market" together: "part time, lower hourly wages, more frequent breaks, lower paid jobs and less opportunities for promotion," said the president. from AK Renate Anderl. only in the fall, even if the chances for women in the job market improve. More and better quality childcare and nursing care, incentives to share family work, greater transparency of wages and support for women who do not have or no qualifications are needed . However, the head of the Labor Chamber says, "Unfortunately, the current measures of the federal government are exactly in the opposite direction."

Seniors' Association also expresses its inconvenience . "It makes me sadder to know that an Austrian with tomorrow has received the pension payments that an Austrian will only reach at the end of the year – this year. It's 156 days of difference, which I can not accept, "says Ingrid Korosec, President of Austria Seniors.

Pensionists Association – President Peter Kostelka emphasizes in this context that in addition to unequal pay for equal work and in addition to the fact that many women work for children or Part-time elderly, including the effects of the ÖVP -FPÖ pension reform of 2003, it is women who lead in poverty of the elderly. Kostelka says: "The longer calculation period to determine the amount of the pension has decided that more and more women are receiving less and less pension, and this injustice must be eliminated as soon as possible."

The opposition is in agreement. 19659007] Many visas must be attached, so that the pension gap is closing, says SPÖ spokeswoman Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek. The government must be active and must implement the SPÖ request for minimum pension. NEOS is convinced that it needs fundamental reforms in the pension system. The Vienna women's adviser, Kathrin Gaal, fears that "the gap in women's pensions will be widened by the introduction of the 12-hour day, which will push more women to work part-time. ".

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