Work up to 12 hours, but cut in the expansion of the child care


Family Minister Juliane Bogner-Strauß (ÖVP) plans to reduce funds for the expansion of kindergarten. The need is covered, because for 94% of children from 3 to 6 years, there would be a kindergarten in Austria. For the youngest children under the age of three, care in nurseries is only 26% covered. This means that only every 4th child receives a kindergarten. If it is badumed that parents (in Austria for most women) are only entitled to a parental leave of a maximum duration of two years, the care in the Public childcare facilities is of great importance. According to Bogner-Stauß, however, investments will continue to be made to develop childcare places for children under three years old. For older children, the funds will be reduced from 140 to 90 million euros. However, given the moderate and complete supply of full-time places for children aged 3 to 6, many consider the reduction in funding to be devastating.

Different laws on kindergarten, different opening hours

The opening times of the kindergarten play an important role. In rural areas, afternoon care through the children's garden is not guaranteed. Apart from that, kindergarten is a country thing. This means a legal patchwork rug, which causes a great deal of confusion. Thus, in many parts of Austria, the kindergartens are only open until lunch time, which means that it is more difficult for parents to look for work to look after the child. In Austria, this is still largely pbaded on to women. Many work part-time if they even get a job. This means not only less financial independence, but also lower pensions.

Bogner-Strauss in negotiations

Women's Minister explains the need for outpatient services for children ages three to six and thinks about a significant reduction in the number of pensions Funding for the expansion of child care of children according to. The reason for these considerations is the Statistics Austria data, which was published a few days ago. It is strong Ö1
already in the negotiations with the federal states, because the kindergartens are still country matters. However, there are also grants from the federal government. Despite the cuts, however, there should be flexible opening times, according to Bogner-Strauß. In this debate, the 12-hour workday is also an important topic: according to the minister, care should already be available early in the morning and late at night. The minister does not mention that many kindergarten groups have only been open for half a day until now. As an alternative to the kindergarten, she also mentions childminders or day fathers who might take care of the child. Funds for child care are regulated in the agreement between the federal government and the states, in accordance with Article 15a of the Federal Constitutional Law. At the request of WOMAN, the Ministry of Family Affairs responded, "This year's negotiations will focus on promoting the expansion of children under three, as there is still a lot of catching up to do. However, this does not mean that there will be more extension of childcare places for children over three years old. "The area affected by the reduction of 50 million euros is therefore not clear.

Juliane Bogner -Strauß

How to evaluate statistics?

When asked how the attendance rate is dialed, Statistics Austria replied: "The childcare rate includes all host structures open more than 15 hours per week. This means that 94% of children have a half-day or a full-time place in a day care center, so how many children should be taken at lunch time are not reflected in the statistics – but they were counted The extension of the flexible opening hours should be discussed according to the Department of the Family: "More flexible opening hours are still planned and will be the subject of negotiations with the countries. "How could this be financed despite the planned reductions?

However, statistics also show that more than 40,000 children under three are cared for in childcare facilities. children – more than twice as many 39 children they were not there ten years ago – but it is badumed that every 4th child receives a nursery place, but excludes it may be the fact that you can return to work after the leave, this figure is still different.

The Internal Critic

The Minister of Family Affairs misunderstood her own party. The Provincial Councilor of Lower Austria, Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister, recently took the floor Ö1-Morgenjournal
criticism of his party colleague. He waited weeks for an answer, as he looks with childcare funding. "And if I hear now that a reduction in the age of three to six is ​​being considered, then I come with me on the misunderstanding," said the county councilor on the radio. ; ORF. According to Teschl-Hofmeister, it has been very difficult to set up daycares. "Well, there are always new wishes and there is less discussion about money and, from the country's point of view, it does not work," said the provincial councilor.

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