Xenophobia, Heimatliebe? Trial of identity «DiePresse.com


Graz. Epic contraries dominate the trial of 16 young men and a young woman. Because hate – hatred of migrants, Muslims, refugees. This denounces the prosecutor. There the love for the homeland Austria – patriotism, for which the accused, according to his own admission, burn.

Also outside seems contradictory: The hearing room of the Graz Regional Court is guarded by a strong police force. But the atmosphere in the lobby is peaceful. Almost friendly. When one of the accused feels uncomfortable from the start, the prosecutor is immediately ready to interrupt his opening speech. And the judge immediately brings drinking water and fans into the overheated room.

Property damage with chalk?

But the atmosphere is not there. The basic charge against the accused weighs heavily. They should be members of a criminal organization. Thus, imprisonment threatens up to three years of imprisonment. [11] In addition, eleven of them allegedly committed an incitement, merely inciting hatred. With banners. On them was "Islamization kills". Others would have committed property damage. For example, spraying the slogan "Integration is a lie" in a West St. Maria Lankowitz Styrian street. With a spray with chalk. Defender Bernhard Lehofer says about the charge: "If chalk is property damage, all the little girls who use chalk to paint the game" Heaven or Hell "on the ground would have founded a criminal organization." [19659005] So no: truly dramatic property damage is not part of the criminal complaint. But we need specific facts that should have been on the agenda as part of the criminal organization. And there is probably hate crime the worst offense – consecrates at least the prosecutor, whose name should not be named at the request of the court (this applies also in the name of the judge), this fact broad space.

The prosecutor, the latest in terrorist cases The prosecution said that he knew the dangers of Islamism: "The Salafists of Graz know exactly what they do. Greens do not need it anymore. "

What does this have to do with the Greens? Well, one of the four manifestations that accused identities looked like this: In April 2016, activists climbed onto the roof of the house where Die Grünen Steiermark has his office. There, a banner of 16 meters long was revealed. "Islamization kills", read. And the Greens have been called terrorists. Turning to the defendant in two rows of chairs in front of him, the prosecutor says, "You can be extremist on the right, I'm mad, they just can not rush." ​​And, "This characteristic of Islamists – we must not look away. "Addressing directly to the accused:" The problem we have with immigration, you do not solve it, you too lazy and too "The latter refers to the fact that identities have founded an badociation that has made a lot of money selling T – shirts, stickers, flags, and so on.

Lazy? As contradicts Lehofer: The co-founder of the Movement Identity Movement Austria (IBÖ) and now IBÖ's boss, Martin Sellner (29 years old), went on the roof of the Embbady of Turkey in Vienna. Is there a banner revealed, inscription: "Erdoğan, get your ham from Turks." Lehofer: "Mr. Sellner is not lazy, he was on the roof and had to be happy that the Turkish secret services did not have it".

And Sellner – what does he say? He speaks softly: "The healthy connection with patriotism was important to us, we saw an uncontrolled mbad immigration as a threat." And, "We turned to Greenpeace's actions, wanted to bring non-violent demonstrations in the street. "

Was this now a legitimately legitimized protest? Or hate speech? The prosecutor sees it pragmatically.For the accused:" If I can not convince the judge of my point of view, you will be acquitted. "The trial will continue on Friday.


Allegations. As members of a criminal organization, the accused allegedly conducted four demonstrations between April 2016 and March 2017 in a changing cast: a banner action in Graz, on the roof of the Green Styrian House.Watch a conference on asylum at the University of Klagenfurt.The statues of St. Maria The nkowitz were "disguised" as burqa bearers. Transparent action on the roof of the Turkish Embbady in Vienna

("Die Presse", Printed Edition, 05.07.2018)

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