YouTube calls for protests against European copyright projects | TIME ONLINE


Redwood City (dpa) – Susan Wojcicki, YouTube boss, is calling on video content providers on the Google platform to protest in the debate over copyright reform within the EU against d & rsquo; Possible download filters.

They should find out how controversial Article 13 of the proposed copyright directive will affect their YouTube channels "and act immediately," she wrote Monday in her quarterly letter to the authors. They should explain online why the activity of the video authors is important.

Article 13 ends in September European Parliament adopted that online platforms should secure rightholders 'licenses – and be responsible for users' infringement of copyright. Although download filters are not explicitly mentioned, critics consider them as a likely technical solution to the new rules. The text of the directive is now subject to a vote between the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Member States.

Wojcicki warned: "The proposal could be a platform like Youtube force them to allow only the contents of a handful of large companies. " Due to the potential threat of liability, online services could be subject to risks, even for the smallest content providers, who could download their content.

The new regulation could "radically change" the Internet as it is known today. This threatens to deprive "millions of people" – from video writers to ordinary users – from downloading content on platforms such as YouTube. Article 13 could put "hundreds of thousands of jobs" at risk. In addition, EU users could also lose access to many existing videos, including learning and educational content.

At the same time, YouTube has announced a $ 20 million investment in the development of educational and educational content from the platform. Among other things, a fund will be created to announce the funds from which video writers can apply. YouTube will choose the projects that will be supported. Producing educational videos is often more complicated than other content, said YouTube manager Malik Ducard dpa. The platform uses the concept of educational video quite extensively – and also includes general instructions on how to do something at home, for example.

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