Authorized Booster Shot Recommended for Immunosuppressed by Rebecca Downs


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday authorized the use of a COVID booster vaccine for the immunocompromised. It was quickly recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

The recommendation comes after much discussion over the past few weeks about the need for a recall. It should be emphasized that this is specifically for the immunocompromised.

Dr Anthony Fauci spoke about the recommendation during his “Face the Nation” appearance on CBS News on Sunday:

NANCY CORDES: You mentioned the boosters for the immunocompromised. How long will it take for those most at risk to actually get these recalls? And there are also reports of your administration actually starting to look ahead and schedule reminders for people in nursing homes or health care facilities in the fall. What can you tell us about this?

DR. FAUCI: Well, Nancy, there are two problems there, and you did well to separate the two because the problem with the immunocompromised, the people who have chemotherapy for cancer, the people who have had transplants, advanced HIV disease, immunosuppressants, they’re there right now. They can literally get their boost right now. What we foresee and look to the future, even if we don’t say that other people who are not immunocompromised are old people or people who are not really, they might ultimately need some help. ‘an additional injection. Right now we’re not saying they do, but literally, Nancy, we’re looking at it daily and weekly in cohorts not just in the US, but in other countries to determine if, when, and who should we give this to? So if it turns out that as the data comes in we see that we need to give an extra dose to people in nursing homes, in fact, or to the elderly, we will be absolutely ready. to do it very quickly.

Dr Fauci and others argue that current vaccines should protect people against the virus and its variants, or at least against severe cases leading to hospitalization or death. As with any vaccine and virus, breakthrough infections are inevitable.

Despite these assurances, CDC guidelines still advise people to wear masks indoors in some areas of the country, whether or not they are vaccinated.

Los Angeles County reinstated its indoor mask last month, even for those vaccinated. Philadelphia just announced last week that companies must require masks or proof of vaccination for employees and customers, and could be fined if they do not verify immunization status. New York City will also soon require proof of partial or full immunization status in order to participate in indoor activities.

Even more restrictive, however, as Leah pointed out on Friday, is San Francisco. People will need to prove that they are fully vaccinated in order to use restaurants, bars, gyms, and places of entertainment and sport.

One of my VIP articles from last week discussed how estimates show that at least 1.1 million people had already received a booster before the FDA approved the booster vaccine.


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