Awesome Fortnite FOV slider concept shows why it needs to be added


One fan has shared their incredible concept for a field of view (FOV) slider in Fortnite Battle Royale, and it's likely to further the community's calls for one to be added for real.

Apart from reverting siphon and the removal of the BRUTE Mechs, few features have been so heavily requested by the Fortnite community than an adjustable FOV slider.

A common feature in many PC games, a field of view of the game of the game, or zoom in or out of the game. Despite constant and loud demands for one from the Fortnite community, Epic has (so far) refused to implement it.

A creative fan, u / ludiqpich198, shared their concept for an FOV slider, showing various perspectives that would be able to choose from.

It also shows a number of options players would be able to switch on or off depending on their preferences. Despite the attention to detail, Epic seems particularly reluctant to bow when they do not want to, as seen with the recent BRUTE mech controversy.

FOV Scale from r / FortNiteBR

The post garnered a lot of attention on the Fortnite subreddit, with over 3,000 upvotes on the original post. Epic have refused, seemingly wanting all players to be on a level playing field. Particularly in a third-person game, an FOV slider could help or hinder players depending on their customization preferences.

FOV sliders are common in PC games.

Epic have refused to allow. Many professional players have been able to play their gameplay smoothly and smoothly.

Epic Games quickly changed to the rules of the world.

They seem to be particularly stubborn in the eyes of an FOV slider, but that's not stopping their fans from sharing their designs or voicing their opinions.


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