Baby Flower died a few hours after this photo because of a simple mistake


A bereaved family shared the only picture of themselves with their three – month – old daughter, taken just hours before her death, after being restrained by someone who had not washed them. hands.

Baby Flower died in her sleep just hours after taking this picture and her angry family said that she wanted everyone to know why.

Mom Emily Vandenbrouck says that despite her three children, she has never been informed of the danger that has cost Fleur's life and she is angry that the information is not being passed on to the new parents.

Fleur Dulcie Edwards, of Paignton, was 13 weeks old when she died last August, leaving her mother Emily Vandenbrouck, her father Ashley Edwards, her sister Layloa, eight, and Rhys, five, according to DevonLive.

Emily says, "She fell asleep completely happy and normal, no temperature, there was not a single thing wrong, she never woke up.

"She loved her sleep and slept all night, she was the model baby, she was in our room, it was her dad who found her first, I grabbed her and j & # 39; I did the CPR, but I knew as soon as I looked at it, disappeared.

"We thought we were dreaming … For a few weeks, I kept trying to wake up.

"This photo was taken the night before at 6 pm It is very precious because it is the only one among us all together."

The doctors were initially unable to find out what had happened to Fleur, even with a spinal tap showing no signs of infection.

A post-mortem examination at Hreat Ormond Street Hospital revealed that Fleur had contracted a Strep B infection.

Now, his family and friends in mourning are organizing an event "The first birthday of Fleur". To raise public awareness of Strep B while the national charity is employing to end group B Strep says that there has been a 51% increase in the number of these infections in babies aged 0-90 days.

Fleur's first birthday celebration will take place at the Foxhole Community Center, Paignton, Devon on May 12 from 11am to 3pm.

Emily said, "It's my way of marking her birthday – it's hard to know what to do when your baby is dead."

And Emily does everything she can to warn other parents of the infection. She said, "I think it's disgusting.About 90% of people are unaware of it.I can not believe how much it's hidden.I am a mother of three children and I am Have never heard of it. "

Dulcie Edwards flower died of group B streptococcus at the age of three months

She recalls: "Flower was the happiest baby, smiling and model, she loved her sleep and she was very greedy – I was breastfeeding and she was very chubby.

"My mother said when she was born that there was magic on her."

On the eve of Fleur's death, the family had participated in a fundraiser for a parent.

Emily said: "Flower had been held back and kissed by many people that day – probably someone who held it that did not wash their hands after using the restroom.

"I just want to educate the public so that other families do not suffer the heartache we experience every day."


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