Beaumont cancels 1884 second-dose vaccine appointment after unexpected shortage


(WXYZ) – Due to an unexpected shortage of second-dose vaccine, Beaumont Health is canceling 1,884 appointments.

Beaumont learned of an unexpected reduction in Michigan state’s Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine allowance on Friday, forcing the health care system to cancel second dose appointments scheduled for Thursday.

The healthcare system says it is working to automatically reschedule all canceled appointments to a week later at the same time on the same day of the week.

Beaumont says he wants more clarity from the state on these second doses.

While three weeks is the typical time interval between two doses of Pfizer vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the vaccine remains effective when patients receive the second dose for up to six weeks after the first dose.

Most patients will receive an email if their appointment is canceled, but Beaumont will also attempt to contact other patients without an email address by phone.

Additionally, the healthcare system will no longer be able to schedule an appointment for the first dose of Pfizer vaccine at the Beaumont service center until an additional vaccine is received. Beaumont is ready to administer 50,000 doses per week, but this week will only be able to do 2,200, which is all the state provided in its recent allocation, the health system said.

Beaumont says he is working diligently to get more vaccine from the state to provide the required second dose in a timely manner.

“We are so disappointed that we had to cancel these appointments. Our teams worked around the clock and throughout the weekend with the state to try and get the second dose of vaccine we requested, ”said Carolyn Wilson, COO of Beaumont Health, in a press release. “We remain committed to vaccinating patients as quickly as possible once we receive our assigned doses of vaccine.”

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