30 thousand packs a day. What Belarusians buy in foreign online stores and how much they spend


According to statistics, Belpocht processes around 30,000 mailings a day. The company noted that with increasing limits on the cost of packages, their numbers had increased dramatically. FINANCE.TUT.BY discovered how much money Belarusians spent when they bought goods abroad via the Internet.

Photo: Pixabay.com
Photo: Pixabay.com

In Belpochta, it should be noted that with the increase of the limits imposed on the cost of a parcel, the mail began to arrive much more in Belarus. Every day, the company processes about 30,000 shipments a day.

Recall that the duty-free import of goods by international mail to Belarus has risen to 200 euros and 31 kilograms. This is the global monthly standard, the standard cost and weight of a package being always 22 euros and 10 kg. This is provided for in Presidential Decree No. 490 of 22 December "On Customs Regulations".

Belpochta representatives noted that the Chinese Aliexpress achieved the highest turnover among all players in this market in Belarus.

However, Belarussians buy not only in foreign online stores, but also in national stores.

– We conducted a study on cross-border trade. The vast majority of Belarussians buy both in foreign online stores and in Belarus. Only 9% of Belarusians buy only abroad, according to statistics from Maxim Marinich, head of the "Deal.by" market. – First and foremost, Belarussians buy cosmetics and perfumes, equipment and electronics, children's products and clothes.

And compared with 2018, Belarusian cosmetics buyers in foreign online stores grew by 7%, and those who wear clothes – 10% less, 3% equipment buyers and products for children 5% less.

"The average check in our online stores with foreign stores differs by 2.5 times," says Maxim Marinich. – In the national online stores, the average check for the last year was less than 3 rubles and rose to 70 rubles. And for purchases abroad, on the contrary increased from 20 rubles to 25.

Most Belorussians order products from China. The United States ranks second, Poland third and Russia fourth.

– When we talk about foreign sites, we mainly talk about Chinese. And among the Chinese in the first place Aliexpress. By the way, Jum has grown a lot lately – says Maxim Marinich. – On the Chinese websites, Belarussians buy the same hardware and electronic devices, children's products, cosmetics and perfume products, car products and sporting goods. The Belarussian consumer is extremely price sensitive. Therefore, the main reason for shopping on foreign websites is the low cost of the products. The second reason is the range. Abroad, find the goods that we do not have. Curiously, our buyer has a high level of trust in purchases on Chinese websites.

The study showed that a mostly young audience buys on foreign websites – from 18 to 30 years old. If you look at the geography of buyers, the majority of Belarusian regions. According to Maxim Marinich, buyers of foreign websites have average or below average levels of wealth. These are people who are quite attentive to their budget, so they prefer to wait from 1 to 1.5 months for a package with some small consumables, rather than paying more here.

– Cross-border trade can not be unambiguously described – good or bad. The Belarussian consumer should have the choice and be able to buy abroad. In this case, there is a reverse of the question. On Chinese sites, what our sellers can sell is sold. Only the package arrives directly at the post office and costs less. The Belarusian entrepreneur can sell the same objects, but he has to face some difficulties – more expensive logistics, certification – the head of "Deal.by" said

The Ozon online shop also conducted a similar study and profiled its average buyer in Belarus.

– In 2019, the average bill of Belarussian buyers on Ozon amounts to 105 rubles. A "typical" client is a woman aged 25 to 40 living in Minsk or a regional center. Most often, buyers make "combined" orders for the whole family. In Belarus, 85% of completed orders are multi-category orders, said Ozon Dmitry Lavrov, head of the international logistics department. – The most popular categories on Ozon with customers from Belarus are books (both orders), products for mothers and children (all four orders), home products (all six orders). 85% of Belarussian customers choose delivery at the time of ordering, 14% – delivery by post.

By the way, Belarus not only buys on Ozon, but also sells. There are about 300 Belarusian brands. According to Dmitry Lavrov, total sales of Belarussian brands increase by 20% per quarter. The most popular product categories of Belarussian manufacturers are cosmetics (30% of orders), clothing (30% of orders) and products for children (20% of orders). Belarussian brands preferred by customers Ozon Belita and Vitex, Polesye and Mark Formelle. The latest chefs of the brand are commissioned by residents of Russia, Japan and the United States.

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