31 inmates. The SK and the Ministry of the Interior have announced the removal of the activities of several groups selling poppy straw


The representatives of the police and the investigation committee held a brief and abrupt information meeting, during which they announced that the activity of a large specialized structure in the supply of large plots of poppy straw to Belarus had been abolished. It follows from a brief statement that several groups operated in Minsk and in other cities. Now, they do not work.

According to the representative of the Department of State Security, there was a structure in the country composed of many fewer groups. This case was not named by an anonymous "criminal authority".

After the transfer of the British documents, 7 people were arrested under the direction of the alleged leader. Later, it became clear that in addition to this group, there are three others in the country, which, in turn, are part of a larger "union" with a clear hierarchy. And, in turn, is part of something more.

The whole structure was specialized in the supply of poppy straw to Belarus and its distribution. The representative of the United Kingdom stated that at least 14 tons of herbal mixture, including at least 15 kg of narcotics, were part of the concept of "large size".

As a result, the criminal case was opened under Part 1 of the article. 285 of the Criminal Code (Creation of a criminal organization or participation in it) in relation to the head of the organization and its units. 31 people were taken into custody

The United Kingdom also clarified that the delivery system of raw materials to Belarus ran from March 2015 to September 2017. They imported d & # 39; Ukraine. In this case, there are 22 episodes.

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