4 million bitcoins are lost forever, 2 million are stolen


According to experts, up to now, about 4 million bitcoins have been irretrievably lost. Two million copies of the most popular crypto currency are stolen. This was said by Jameson Lopp, former chief engineer of BitGo and engineer at CasaHODL. Thus, there are about 11 million bitcoins in circulation – those with which it is possible to make transactions (exchange, purchase, etc.).

The experts do not exclude that such a state of Things can influence the course of bitcoin, especially when it is published the entire volume of this crypto currency or it will approach the maximum. The influence is also exerted by the "speculative nature" of the crypto currency, which can acquire the status of "premium", writes Reuters.

Note that when calculating the bitcoin capitalization, we take into account the 17.13 million virtual coins available. If you take into account the losses of $ 6 million, the rate and the capitalization will be different – about 30% more.

Currently, the bitcoin rate is about $ 6500 per unit.

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