In some cities of Ukraine may limit the supply of drinking water, and in some places and stop completely


Next week in some cities of Ukraine may limit the supply of drinking water, and in some places and stop completely. This situation is related to the shutdown of liquid chlorine plant Dneproazot, Kyivvodokbad reports press service. Liquid chlorine channels are used for the disinfection of drinking water.

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<p>  "Mid-June," Dniprozot "warned that it stopped deliveries and stopped the production of liquid chlorine.In this regard, in the companies of the branch of water supply and sanitation in Ukraine, a complicated situation arose with the subsequent disinfection of drinking water.In some companies in the industry, chlorine residues remain unclean. A week to 20 days, "says the report </p>
<p> The situation was reported to the government and the CNDS with a request for intervention to solve the chlorine problem.But the plant did not not yet restored his work.The remains of chlorine, which were at the time of his judgment, are fully realized. </p>
<p> In the water channel, it is thought that today the problem can not be solved that with the help of the start of production, the organization of large shipments of e chlorine in containers by road will take more than a year, and the supply of chlorine in tanks from Europe (Romania) is very problematic </p>
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