Due to the debts for sale, the building of the owner of a large network of hairdressing Minsk


The administrative building, which belongs to the big operator of Minsk hairdressers of JSC "Voskhod", because of debts is put on sale for 563 thousand rubles. Such a conclusion can be made on the basis of the message from the Main Department of Justice of the Executive Committee of the City of Minsk

Voskhod OJSC brings together about fifty hair salons in the Minsk and Minsk region. They include, for example, "The Dream" on Lenin, "Bolero" on Surganov, "Sakura" on Chkalov and others.

  Screenshot of the site rise.by
Hairdressers of the "Sunrise". Screenshot of the site rise.by

The administrative building of the "Sunrise" is located on Tchaikovsky, 31. It is this structure of an area of ​​486.5 square meters and that is up for sale. The initial price is 563 thousand rubles

  Screenshot of the map "Yandex" "border =" 0 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 473 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https : //img.tyt. by / n / minsk / 00/3 / voskhod_zdanie_1.jpg "title =" Screenshot of the map "Yandex" "vspace =" 0 "width =" 668 "/>

<figcaption> Screenshot of the "Yandex" card </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The exchanges take place as part of the execution procedure. This means that the money from the sale will serve to repay the debts of OAO Voskhod. Since May 2018, the building has been seized. </p>
<p>  According to data from the "Kartoteka" database, a number of enforcement proceedings were initiated against "Voskhod". Reports on debts to various economic entities and state structures are presented. On April 1, there are debts, including the fund for the social protection of the population. </p>
<p>  The auction for the sale of the building will take place on July 26th. If it is purchased, the proceeds of the sale will be credited to them in order of priority. If there is more money from the sale, the difference will be left to Voskhod </p>
<p>  Note that this company does not appear on the lists of organizations in respect of which a bankruptcy proceedings were initiated. </p>
<p>  Recall that the Voskhod structure included known hairdressers Yas "And" Yannina. "But because of the debts of the ZHREA of Sovietsky district, the lease was not renewed, and on February 12 the hairdressing salons of Kozlova, 5, were closed. salon Yas relaunched the salon by themselves </p>
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