Some people need money. Come on, all the people, unfortunately, need money. Someone a little, someone else. We wrote about the latter several times. And readers report – a new hero has appeared. Vladimir Munyakin also needs a lot of money. No, not for high-speed shower stalls and interplanetary flights, but also for the benefit of the whole Earth. Ten billion dollars for the first time, that's enough. As an badistant, Belorussian has chosen BSU – the country's leading university also appears in this story. We are now waiting for Internet II, a hundred thousand graduates, 400 factories in the world and, of course, "European Hollywood" in Vitebsk. Yes, Vladimir has a lot of projects, everything is needed for our money. But this, of course, is not a financial pyramid, like the slanders on the forums. In this, Munyakin badured us
A candle factory for people with a heart of healthy life
Let's take care of everything in order. What are they talking about? Vladimir says that he was born in the city of Liski, in the Voronezh region, but in the early 1970s he moved to Vitebsk. "I went from the radio equipment regulator to the creator of a complete completed production, where in 1991 I launched the first cooperative in Belarus and achieved economic indicators: sales price and cost 1: 28.8 times ", – writes about Vladimir
In the network there is conflicting information, as if Munyakin had six graduate studies or a second special education, as if he worked as a producer on a television channel, director of a studio and a diver, as he emitted telephone switches Unemployed, while staying at a horror movie , which in the US box office earned $ 140 million, and seemed to lose all the money. Whatever it is, what is true and what is not, today, there is absolutely no way to know it.
But we know for sure that today Vladimir Munyakin needs 400 factories. The case for the little ones – to collect 2.16 billion dollars. Everything is right: 2 billion for the factories themselves, 160 million for the work of the "central office". You must throw dollars and rubles. The scheme is featured on the website of a businessman.
Where does the profit come from? The author also has an answer to this question: the money will come from the activities of the factories. With the question of where plants come from, it's more difficult. On the project site in the support service, a certain Vladimir with the image of Munyakin told us the following (here and the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved): "What is going to be produced right now is not important, it is projecting hundreds of highly profitable projects that need funding, these plants will be launched in areas that are advantageous for that, and not in the RB or the RF ".
What about restitution? Suddenly, you were stupid, and then you saw it? You can read the contract of the public offer on the website of Vladimir Munyakin and rejoice because he says you can count on the return of funds deposited even after the project has been recognized as failed. However, if you click on the link on the same site and download the updated version of the agreement, we will see that there is no such reserve on the refund.
All contracts are interesting to read, but AGIS PRO AG is even more interesting. Here, for example, each participant is "strongly recommended" to involve other people "with a heart of healthy life," "financial means," "leading the hustle and bustle" and other actions undoubtedly useful for the company to the project
Tatyana Revinskaya commented on the moment with the implication of "loans":
"The legal grounds for conducting activities to attract and ( or) provide monetary funds were established in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter – Decree No. 325)
Only microfinance organizations can do such activity: lenders pawn shops, consumer co-operative mutual aid societies, mutual finance companies of small and medium enterprises, funds, for which listed organizations should be registered in the register of microfinance organizations, which is held by the Bank of the Republic of Belarus.
It should be noted that Decree No. 325 does not provide for the possibility of registration as a microfinance organization of foreign legal persons.
Therefore, fundraising activities of individuals are not individual entrepreneurs. is illegal and forbidden. Otherwise, such activities are considered illegal business, resulting in liability under Part 2 of the art. 12.7 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on administrative offenses (in the absence of corpus delicti) and art. 233 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. "
We do not have to borrow money, but only banks need permits
We called Vladimir Munyakin and asked him several questions. Business man is difficult because almost always accompany the reasoning leads him to get away from the subject of the conversation.Therefore, excerpts from the conversation with him are given with abbreviations that do not affect however not the nature of the topics discussed.
– Vladimir, we receive reports about your projects, readers talk about the possible creation of a financial pyramid … ]
– What questions arise, I do not understand? We are a registered company registered in Moscow and in Belarus … There is a concept – what's a pyramid! It's when a person transfers money to a Another, another invites a third party, and they transfer money across the pyramid. Nobody transfers money to anyone, that is, citizens do not transfer to each other … We have deposits for bonds. In other words, I am specifically making an obligation to citizens. But citizens must understand that there are risks. If we open a business, we produce something, but it is not necessary. To this end, we plan to open 400 enterprises
What kind of companies, Vladimir, again, did not specify. Just the companies where the production of all the useful parts will be adjusted. Which? Useful!
– To attract loans from people, you must obtain permission from the National Bank. L & # 39; do you have?
– I have clarified all questions of tax and banks. You can borrow money and transfer it to a card. With this tax there. We took ourselves in neighbors of a neighbor. This is not forbidden. Licenses, regulations, everything else is for banks, and we are not a bank.
– Are There Any Published Documents When You Take Money? [19659004] – You do not apply the laws of the Republic of Belarus, but apply the laws of the Russian Federation. We work from a Russian society, not Byelorussian
– But you accept the Belarusian money?
– No matter where the transfer, the company is registered in Russia. We can not use all the laws of the whole world.
Vladimir claims that he was born in Russia, but that he has been living in Belarus for a long time as a citizen of the country. The man is settled in Vitebsk. However, according to him, more and more often moves to Moscow – there, they say, the scale is greater, as, as a result, the chances of finding money
– And would you lend $ 2,000? And I promise you to give back $ 10,000 in two years!
– What is "borrowed"? Do you want to open? Look, instead of oligarchs the money will be received by the citizens. Yes, we plan to earn 4-5 times more than we will pay for payments. It is such a mercantile interest. All the money we use for development. We can not build factories on these shallows …
– That is, do not lend me $ 2,000 … ]
– For $ 2,000 it is impossible to build no factory
– You can borrow more.
– We do not have the right to lend money to others
– Borrow Your …
– Why yours? I can not buy an apartment, a car, I can not lend someone, because a person can, conditionally, die, cheat.
Perhaps Vladimir Munyakin would not have been worth writing if he had not been his next pretentious project, in which some incredibly involved … University of New York State of Belarus.
Internet II, online courses for $ 14,400 and a frank conversation with Bill Gates
– Bill Gates communicates with me in correspondence. Well, I write there in English. He says: how do you do something new, and what is the old way? But we do not kill the old Internet. Look, I say, we had an badog TV, but it was digital. The boxes have changed everything, the antennas have been removed. And here we do not need to clean anything, the computers do not need to be changed and the processors do not need to be changed.
This is a sentence from the speech of Vladimir Munyakin at the open day at the Institute of Graduate Studies and Recycling in the field of information technology and management at the BSU. We must prepare future specialists for something called Internet II.
What is it? If briefly and according to Munyakin, it means "build everything on databases, no temporary storage."
– Internet II was built on the basis of SQL storage. That is, the database where the hash is not stored in the browser, but the knowledge base is stored, the database where you can create everything as a database. ;user. Another structure in general all this! In other words, the search engines are looped around its axis. In other words, if it is the media, then the search is done by the media, if you are looking for books, then only in books, if you are looking for knowledge or social networks, then only social networks. These are large, powerful, universal applications that will be configured for the user who is not in remote access, and you've downloaded applications like Word and Excel, etc., but under the same shell, under one same sphere.
That is, you have a browser, but it is not a browser, it is the same program. As a result, we have our own system – it's a common shell, and the corresponding thematic applications are pumped. There will be at least 600, up to 2000 can even reach it. But you do not need all, you need 10-20 of strength. Someone needs games, something else. In other words, this is another structure completely. Accelerates 20 times the efficiency of the world. You can connect in Russian to different countries and have information on what is happening in this area. Well, enough about it, it's a long, separate song. You will learn and it will be quite clear afterwards.
If you could not only read this, but also understand, congratulations – you know what is Internet II! I did not understand, so I went into the question. Judging by the many presentations, Vladimir Mouniakin calls to abandon the sites. Instead, the information should be formed by groups such as "Books", "Games", "Trivia". We get something like the portal "Kulichki". The reference to each remote topic starts a separate application that searches for and provides the requested information. The loading of the pages is fast, like at 2 Mbps. The loving pages can be saved and accessed even outside the network.
The inventor and the monetization system have reflected. For example, the connection of each device to Internet II should be paid, plus mandatory advertising and the ability to disable it for $ 10 per year, as well as paying for some topical applications.
The most interesting in this story is the courses. Vladimir estimates that at least 100,000 specialists are needed to start and maintain the operation of his project. And for that, they must collect and educate the wisdom of the Internet II. This is exactly what the BSU should do, among others, the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining in the field of computerization technologies and management of the BSU.
A cooperation agreement was signed between Vladimir Munyakin and the school. By the way, a businessman has received annual training of $ 14,400. A little expensive? Maybe $ 21,000, if you do not hurry. But Vladimir gives "almost a guarantee" that he will take to his job. And he also promises to go for a free ride on a cruise liner. In general, says Muniakin, sell your cars and go study, especially if you are Belarusian.
Pay $ 14,400 and get a piece of paper at the bank
In a phone conversation, Vladimir claims that the Internet II is the most operational system. And a description of the principles of his work on the Internet (conventional) is. That's right, this version is no longer relevant, but still. In the end, that will show the real innovation when the enemies are all around.
– Vladimir, you said that an agreement had been signed with BSU on the organization of courses on the Internet II …
– I have been verified for a month, I have no debts, no readers, no applications, no complaints. This is the question of what is fraud. Fraud – that is, there are victims who have written a statement to the police and have not received what they have signed. Therefore, there is no point in talking about fraud …
– Yes, so what about courses?
– Today I am planning to leave for Moscow. Almost any institute is ready to sign an agreement. But there we still have a lot of projects, which are formalized throughout the state. There are many proposals, including the creation of an institution for the formation of government structures …
– After all, a contract has been signed with BSU? When can I apply for a course?
– Of course that's signed! On the Internet everything is painted, like everything and what.
– You said the cost of the course would be $ 14,400 …
– Yes, the BSU signed the contract , but until now, no activity on their part. The training program comes over to me … On July 5th I will start, I intend to start training participants in an open manner. There are still not many people, so I waited for the schoolchilds to pbad their exams, that someone entered the institute and did not participate in it.
– How many people have enrolled in these courses?
– Not enough people at the moment. There are applications, but more unpaid. Units of people.
– But someone already paid?
– Well, yes, through the settlement account of Moscow. From Belarus it is necessary to make many different documents, and there is a situation of so-called customs clearance.
– In other words, the Belarusians pay, but on behalf of Moscow?
– On behalf of Moscow, yes.
BSU representative: Internet II is an alternative to the Internet, students will receive a state diploma
All BSU employees are not ready to make contact. One of them, for example, responded to a phone call when he learned his reason, that he had not cooperated with the man of the day. He had been in business for six months and had asked not to be publicly quoted.
On the BSU website. Evgeny Svirsky, for example, is listed as the program manager. He is also Deputy Director of Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty of Innovative Development and Information Technology of the Institute of Advanced Studies and Retraining in the field of Computerization and Information Technology. BSU control technologies. To him also we call.
– Hello! On the website of Vladimir Munyakin, you appear as the head of the program for Internet courses II
– Yes, we have such a situation on the Internet II. Agreements are concluded with Munyakin, you conclude with him. It provides for a certain type of loan, based on what you are working then for that. And if not, then everything is paid. And he forms groups and sends them to us, and we are already teaching. We do not compose groups, but he types. We only teach
– Have groups already been formed?
– Not yet. We have an agreement with him, he forms groups, he has a type requirement for programs, which should be. And we provide …
– So you understand what is Internet II? I, for example, did not really understand what he was going to teach people.
– Internet II is an alternative to the Internet.
– And do you have specialists who can teach the peculiarities of the Internet II?
– You see, questions … Yes, of course, Internet II is mbadively programming, it's programming. Well, somewhere there may be work with the drivers or something else. But it does not differ much from the rest of the programming. The tasks of creating a program are broadcast and scheduled. There is nothing of the kind that exists here. It is important that programming is the main thing. Therefore, it creates commands that will be programmed. And what to program, he will speak. Нужны специалисты, которые будут в состоянии программировать, вот и все
-. По итогу дается какой-то диплом государственного образца
– Да, о переподготовке
-. Курсы платные. ? А платят Мунякину
– С Мунякиным есть вопрос – что-то платится, но если там у него работаешь, то это как-то засчитывается … Там какой-то взнос делается, и если работаешь, то он возвращается, а если нет , то вы как бы за свой свой счет учились.
– Но обучение у него стоит 14 400 долларов.
– 14 тысяч ?! Ну, не знаю. Пока об этом речь у нас не шла. Пока есть соглашение о том, которые он будет направлять и соответственно финансировать Вот и все. . А стоимость для каждого слушателя, которую он закладывает, мы не знаем
Эксперт: это все несерьезно, это просто фантазии
Документы, в которых вроде как есть техническое описание проекта "Интернет II" мы отправили человеку, который точно разбирается в таких вещах, – директору компании SoftTeco Александру Куцко. Вот его комментарий:
– В проекте вообще все несерьезно, начиная от документов и заканчивая сайтом компании, которая готовила документацию. Да, на бумаге каких-то проблем В общем, льется сплошная вода. Выпячиваются проблемы, говорится, мол, мы их решим, а как. – не написано
Надо понимать, что такие проблемы маленьким сообществом не решаются. Для этого нужна воля больших корпораций, консорциумов, объединений, таких как W3C. Чтобы что-то сделать, надо для начала войти в тот же W3C. Но за это денег не получишь.
Фактически все, что говорится об Интернет II, – на текущий момент просто фантазии и попытка сыграть на хайпе. Причем темы зачастую уже неактуальны.
Прочай, витебский "холливуд"
Пять лет назад Владимира Мунякина активно вспоминали в СМИ. Мужчина вызвался построить на месте витебского парка Тысячелетия киностудию с 76 коттеджами для жилья, парком с фонтанами и двумя съемочными павильонами. В коттеджах можно жить, а а в павильонах – снимать кино для всего мира. Тогда Мунякин подсчитал, что для воплощения первого этапа проекта потребуется всего 20 дольщиков, у каждого из которых в кармане должно быть по миллиону долларов. [19659086] Мы не могли не поинтересоваться судьбой "Европейского Холливуда" (так проект называет его автор). Оказывается, найти удалось даже не 20 миллионов долларов (тоже мне деньги!), А целых 200. Но что-то пошло не так: [19659080] – Я нашел двух инвесторов по 100 миллионов долларов … Через неделю мне пришло письмо, чтобы я отдал эти деньги в молодежный центр.
По словам Владимира, когда-то у него была самая дорогая в Беларуси пленочная кинокамера, на которую он снял десятки любительских фильмов. Но сейчас времена не те – приходится снимать ролики для YouTube и соблазнять страждущих все новыми и новыми проектами с уже миллиардными бюджетами
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