In Pruzhany district, a wheat field was burning


In the afternoon of July 11, in the district of Pruzhany, near the agro-city of Khorev, burned a wheat field. At that time, the harvest was on the ground, reported the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

  Photo: MES "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 600 "data-x-src =" n / 00 / f / pole_pshenica_pruzhany.jpg "data- x-width = "800" data-height = "540" data-y-src = "" data-y-width = "720" data-zoom = "1" height = "540" hspace = "0" src = " 00 / e / pole_pshenica_pruzhany.jpg" title = "Photo : MES "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: MES </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The size of the field with winter crops – 90 hectares, at the time of the fire was removed 1.2 hectares. Three harvesters were working on the field and the farm machinery was on duty. </p>
<p>  When the rescuers quickly reached the place where the profits arrived, As a result, it was possible to liquidate the ignition. Saved 88.5 acres of wheat. There are no victims. </p>
<p>  The cause of the fire is established. One of the reasons for ignition is the fragment of glbad that breaks the sun on the ground </p>
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