Trump named the ultimate goal of the future meeting with Putin


US President Donald Trump does not expect much from the summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. According to him, this meeting will be in a free format, but in the future it may still be useful.

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<figcaption> Photo: Reuters </figcaption></figure>
<p>  "It will not be that long, and we'll see where it goes, but it can be fruitful, really fruitful, maybe it's not, but I'm sure it's great to meet people – that's great, "Trump told a news conference after the NATO summit in Brussels, reports RBC correspondent </p>
<p> .To become the ultimate goal of the summit of Presidents of the United States and Russia in the Finnish capital, Trump said that it was still difficult for him to judge the situation and then proposed several options to </p>
<p> No nuclear weapons anywhere in the world – this could be the ultimate goal, is not it? More wars, problems, conflicts. Let's find a cure for all known diseases of people, "said Trump. </p>
<p> Talks between Putin and Trump are due to take place on July 16 in Helsinki. During the meeting, as previously reported to the Kremlin and the White House, the presidents of both countries will have to discuss prospects for developing Russian-US relations and the situation in the world. The American leader himself said that he hoped to discuss with Putin events in Ukraine and Syria, as well as Moscow's interference in the presidential elections in the United States in 2016. </p>
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