Graduates in Belarus will be able to redistribute to military service on a contractual basis


In Belarus, modifications and additions were made to the distribution, redistribution, work orientation, recruitment of graduates, reimbursement of funds spent by the State for their training and targeted training of specialists, workers , employees. A relevant Resolution of the Council of Ministers on the national legal Internet portal was published

. In particular, the regulation on the procedure of distribution, redistribution, vocational guidance and subsequent badignment of graduates of higher, secondary or vocational education has clarified the criteria. , according to which the correspondence of the place of work given to the specialty received by the graduate (specialty, specialization) and the qualification awarded is determined. The commission badesses compliance on the basis of the qualification characteristic contained in the educational standard by specialty (sphere, objects, types, tasks of professional activity, composition of skills). The amendments to section 16 of the regulations concern the possibility of redistribution of graduates when they volunteer to perform contract military service. In such cases, it is necessary to provide letters on the consent of the employer to dismiss and the Ministry of Defense or other state agency, which provides for military service, upon consent to the appointment of a contract. At the same time, the letter on the consent of the employer to the dismissal of the graduate should contain information that the decision was agreed with the republican government body (local executive and administrative body), other body of State, the organization in which the employer is subordinate. the target preparation of specialists, workers, employees in the new edition, paragraph 7. Thus, according to him, the contract for the targeted training of a specialist (worker, employee) can be modified by agreement sides, and put end by agreement of the parties or at the request of a party. The party initiating the modification or termination of the contract is obliged to inform the other parties in writing, specifying the reasons and submitting the documents confirming them. The contract is deemed terminated if the parties within one month from the date of receipt of the written notice express their consent to its termination. The contract shall be terminated at the request of one of the parties within one month of the date of receipt of the notice. The change of the contract is done by the additional agreement to him. If it is necessary to change the place of study and / or compulsory work of a citizen, the contract is renewed. For people who have expressed the desire to enter the military service, the targeted training contract of a specialist (worker, employee) is renewed according to the procedure set by the Ministry of Defense or another body public.

The decision comes into force after official publication.

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