More than a thousand people and huge sums. "Obligations involuntarily" lose classes with "Gomelenergo"


In Gomel, Gomel Marina Eremin's court on debt collection "Gomelenergo", or rather her mother – Elena Sereda (the daughter represented the pensioner's interests in court) ended in Gomel. The decision was not taken in favor of the defendant – and she will still have to pay more than 600 rubles, which the pensioner owes to the municipality, without knowing it. "Gomelenergo" also reported that such debtors in the region – more than a thousand. The sums of the debts, as TUT.BY knows, reach several thousand rubles

Marina Eremin was upset by the decision of the court: the woman, until the end, was sure that the court would take the side of "debtors involuntarily". After all, her mother always paid her bills on time. Who knew what was wrong?

In 2016, the mother of Marina Elena Evgenievna moved to another apartment, left her granddaughter Svetlana (Marina's daughter). A year and a half later, the woman was fattened, the amount of payment in which led to the horror: for light and heat, she was sometimes more than calculated all previous years. They called Gomelenergo: no, not an error – recalculation. Need to pay 600 rubles.

It turned out that the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers four years ago, No. 571, determines who can pay for light, heat, gas and water to subsidized rates and who must pay in full. Thus, for example, if the tenant does not live in an apartment or members of his family, the rate is not subsidized. Ultimately, grandchildren are not members of the family. In turn, the regional executive committees, according to the same resolution, should inform the organizations providing housing and communal services, including the gas and energy supply organizations about houses and premises, in which he has not registered in the residence owner of the residential quarters and / or family members. Why that did not happen. The question is rhetoric

Gomelenergo is recognized – yes, inter-agency cooperation has not worked.

– We publish information on the rules of application of the subsidized tariff on utility bill notices, explain these standards in the media, the subject is highlighted on the official website and in social networks . And most importantly, the energy supply agreement clearly states that the owner or the tenant of a house is required to inform an energy saving organization. on the modification of the family composition, unloading or registration of persons at his place of residence. the director of the branch "Energosbyt" RUE "Gomelenergo" Ruslan Vegera.

As Elena Evgenievna – no "malicious deviators" payment, and those who paid for subsidized rates for heat, rights, but knew nothing about it – in Gomel 1102 the owner of personal accounts , for electricity – 1696. In most cases – these are the same people. Someone has been credited with small amounts for several months, and someone has been recalculated for the past three years – and people have to return huge sums.

According to Gomelenergo, 509 personal account holders have paid their debts without trial, the rest individual work. "So far, the power has filed seven lawsuits to recover the debt for heating and ten for the

Six judgments have already been made: people have to pay their debts, the only relief that Gomelenergo is prepared to do for them is to allow them to pay their debts in installments.

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