The Pentagon approved Trump's idea to invite Putin to Washington


United States Deputy Defense Minister for Military and Political Affairs John Rood endorsed the idea of ​​President Donald Trump to invite Vladimir Putin to Washington

  Photo: Reuters [19659003] Photo: Reuters </figcaption>
<p>  "I think an exchange of views and frank discussion between our leaders are needed," Rude told a CNN reporter at the Aspen Security Forum in Aspen, Colorado on Saturday. July. [19659004RudaqualifiélarencontreentrePoutineetTrump"d&#39;entreprisetrèsnormaleetopportune"etlaRussie-unpaysimportantsurlascèneinternationale"LeprésidentPoutineavaitl&#39;habitudedevisiterlaMaisonBlancheplustôtIlavaitl&#39;habitudedevenirauxEtats-UnisParexemplelorsquejetravaillaisàlaMaisonBlanchesousladirectiondeGeorgeWBush"Rudadit</p>
<p>  On July 16, the Presidents of the United States and Russia held their first bilateral meeting in Helsinki. After that, Trump spokeswoman Sarah Sanders reported that Trump decided to invite Putin to Washington this fall and instructed his advisor John Bolton to tackle this problem. The director of US National Intelligence, Dan Coates, stated that he had not been previously informed of this decision by Trump and that he intended to present to the President an badessment of major risks badociated with Putin's visit to Washington </p>
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