"One day, a grenade was thrown in my yard … It happens." As a history teacher became a businessman and survived the nineties


Igor was born in the village of Lahva. He remembers how the collective farm played football on the collective farm. In a strange village, people came by truck. It is not clear how they agreed with the president and where they canceled the gasoline, but the fans were safe. When football was over, children and women hid at home. And the guys started to wave. The hosts were important to regroup quickly and keep track so that guests from a nearby village could not fall. If the movement started, organized interception. Sweatshirts, winter hats, chains – more or less everything has been adapted for battles. They fought on the ground. From the outside, everything seemed frankly scary. From time to time someone nailed. Or after football, or in a wedding fight.

"Courage is the responsibility of actions, of fidelity to words, and also of the ability to provide people who are living with you with a sense of security. Justification of their expectations People close to you should know that if necessary, you are not only ready, but you will become a wall for them. And draw strength and calm out of trust "

" They sought an ax to open the back door "

Parents worked hard, little grew up to himself. 4 years old, he started picking bulls at bus stops, then he lit a cigarette, sometimes they hit him, sometimes the neighbors were brought home behind their ears and She was given to their mothers, she knew what to do, and immediately went for a boiler.He had a rubberized cord, which caused very painful blows.The belt does not hurt, it is wide.A kettle ( not a heating element, but a rope) – narrow, do not beat, but sting, leaving the memory and an opportunity to think about his behavior.

Smoking, however, ended before graduation. this is not even a punitive boiler, but freedom has arisen.When the family has moved Money, girls, access to all the pleasures imaginable.

That day, they headed for the dance floor with a friend. The dance floor was located next to the stadium and the cemetery. Comrade offered a cigarette. But she no longer delivered the buzz of the forbidden fruit. And no one had time to sand. Ponta understood: when clbadmates were going to do their homework, Igor would play in a restaurant

So he stopped smoking.

The love of music was mixed with the Queen group. At Luninets, Igor graduated from schools of music and general education. After the eighth clbad, he was playing in a restaurant

– I have not received a salary for three months, I just studied. The first money arrived in December. 15 rubles. The record cost about 50. To make money for music, it was necessary to spend three to four months. It is there was a "Parnbadus" (I do not know the etymology of this word) – songs to order. They provided additional income. The first record that I took for 55 or 60 rubles – Queen, A Night at the Opera. It was in 1979.

The restaurant "Pripyat" was located opposite the old hotel, where Pesnyary came.

– There was a balcony. Demeshko pulled out the drums and started playing. People gathered to watch. The halls were then filled with no distillation. We could not pbad. I remember when Syabry arrived from Yarmolenko, there were no tickets at all. So they were looking for an ax with the guys to open the technical back door of the railroad club.

"Igor Ivanovich, do you understand that it is for us on x … not necessary?"

A story full of logic. The schoolboy strongly loved physics, but he was swept away by the humanities and entered the historical faculty of BSU. I chose it because it was easy and gave me the opportunity to enjoy myself.

In 1986, I graduated in my hands. There, a comma was written "historian, professor of history". The young specialist was distributed in the district of Luninets. Consciously. Yet the homeland.

The distribution sent to the 160th vocational school. Agricultural profile. Alma mater operators of machinery and other agrarians.

– I was interested myself. I sat / worked and spent time with profit for myself. I did not cheat anyone. I was engaged in self-education. If any of the children wanted to grow, he developed with me. With that, I did not spare my time. And if people did not want it, treated with understanding. I had a boy in the group with Bogdanovka, the eldest, sitting on the first desk. He once said to me: "Igor Ivanovich … You are trying so hard here … And you generally understand that it's for us at x … it's not necessary ? " The essential, it is sincere. "I look and I'm sorry for you". For 15 years, there was a man. I am 23-24 years old.

The vocational school taught life. The audience is heavy. I had to look for approaches.

– We even grabbed a student by the bads and walked down the hall to discover the relationship. I could not afford to lose my credibility. Yes, I respected all the interests, but I thought that there should be some order in the lesson. I did not allow shouting, playing cards, rushing and scratching the seeds. But the guy started hanging out with me. I said something, he replied in a tough style. Such a camp-bandit. We left, in general. Somehow without attacking with him, they explained. As, that is my territory, I will not allow the ponies of other people here. And I do it all my life and everywhere, in all areas of my responsibility.

"I was sitting with a gun in front of the door and was waiting"

In 1988, the teaching was over. Igor escaped from the budget. The Soviet Union was still breathing. All twisted at the temple. But Igor realized that nothing good would happen. Objective circumstances led to trade.

He has lived for many years of weddings. There were two teams. Igor worked in a restaurant, hired people and traveled with them for the festivities. Mini entrepreneurship.

– Provincial marriage in the 1990s was consistently poor. First they started paying less. Then, when inflation hit, people usually stopped buying music. Salaries slipped to $ 20. As a result, the entertainment is dead by itself. The spontaneous market has begun. People were no longer called speculators and imprisoned for it.

A former teacher traveled extensively in the markets of Lithuania and Poland

– I brought brooms to Poland. Prices were insufficient. At home, it cost nothing and it cost something. I believe that the Poles have behaved well even then, contrary to the widely held Belarussian opinion. I clearly remember one of my first trips. We moved to LAZ, where all the carbon monoxide was bad. Crossed the border at Brest. Half of our bridge, half is Polish. We had no light, they burned. I remember that the Belarussian border guard is under the first lantern on the Polish side and plays Tetris.

The most successful were car trips.

– Once I drove a pearl here and earned $ 1500 or $ 2000. Very big money. They could buy five cars. In general, I was engaged in everything from brooms to cars. Even pantyhose sold

Girls of the time loved bandits and commerce. The bandits and the trade did not always hear each other

– The guys will come, they will ask for money. Well … it's ended differently. I have never been beaten, but once I could be killed. They threw a grenade into the yard. Well, it happens. 1993 or 1994. Either wanted to scare, or something. Half of the first night. I was not at home, my mother was there. It's very bad. If she went out to pull the curtain, she could die. Because he made four frames. The entire wall was cut by shards of glbad. The neighbors in the garden stole the hood of the car. And I drank somewhere with the guys. The only benefit of alcohol in life

Then he came and looked at everything. Night I am, I am sober, I understand the magnitude of the problem. The only thought: "Mom could die". It was scary. Well, what should I do? It is necessary to work further. There was a case where they broke out at home. I was sitting with a gun in front of the door and I was waiting. And if the man has succeeded, I should shoot. It's been a while. After this incident, I took the family to Poland for a while.

Yes, then the militia came. But they could not do anything then. The bandits were in a hurry and did just about everything they wanted.

"You can earn 20-30 thousand dollars per season on a strawberry"

There was a spontaneous trade, then the stalls became stores, later the stores became networks. Igor organized several catering outlets in Luninets and in the district. Then he reached strawberry paradise – the village palace

– Vaun M10 – between Gomel and Kobrin. Previously, there was a colossal spontaneous market. It's very interesting, but at one point it has become a problem – for traffic, security, local residents, power. It was necessary to monitor, enlighten, provide protection. In general, the abundance of people in a place not suitable for this purpose.

Igor imagined to make a market in the following field. Took 2.5 billion loan (then $ 250,000), rolled a rectangle of asphalt, fenced off and put a barrier.

– At first it seemed like it was stupid. Everyone People have twisted a finger to his temple. Because the element is stronger than the design. Nobody believed that people would come here. But the market has an attractive power because of the possibility of creating a competitive environment.

They say that in this market you can earn an apartment in one season.

– This is not a legend. Apartment – good, not in Minsk, but in Luninets, Brest, Pinsk, Baranovichi. 20-30-30 thousand dollars – that's the lifting. I know people who have earned money from us in the district. After they did everything as before. We have invested in housing, children, production, land, seeds, technology. And the next season or risked even more, or stayed at the same level. Thus, small and medium farms grow.

These people are not going anywhere, they are staying here. I see and recognize the cars that appear on the seasonal market in season. A child of a Tsytsky, another in a car seat, the third is already helping his father. And on this machine they make several shuttles a day between the house and the market. It's like in my childhood, when I crawled, as they say, in the rosaries. While parents have cancer, little kids are lying between the rows of potatoes. Now, the story is pretty much the same. Where to put the children? Mothers in strawberries, dads in strawberries, grandmothers with grandfathers in strawberries.

"Become a rock star"

– The 30 years are strange guys. They touched the 90s in a tangent, they deliberately did not live then, but for some reason, they dragged on until the last century. "Oh, young people …" Yes, how old, you were 5-6 years old. You always went to your pants. And remember a kind of song?

The ancient historian still maintains a tender relationship with the music. On this occasion, he even organizes a festival on his market.

– Representatives of the 30+ generation and my generation became such: "What will they show us here?" They did not enter the format. But young people between the ages of 15 and 25 were all here. The number of selfies I have done with me is fantastic. He became a rock star. It turns out that it was necessary to open the market for this, and not to play weddings laughed at the businessman.

It's raining, and Igor says he's not pursuing global goals

– My work here This is not a manifestation of love for the homeland . It's a love of life, a love for loved ones, a love for oneself. I do not pursue the goal of making the region better. But if it happens at the expense of my job, I will be happy. There is a festival. People like that. He was not, now he is. It seems to me that children who are growing up now do not have problems with global goals either. It's a kind of bad. They take care of themselves, that they were kayfovo, drayvovo, interesting. And they do it well. Since he will think less about some intangible things like the future of the country, then this country will be better.

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