The Museum of Railway Technology was inaugurated after reconstruction


Last summer, the Railway Engineering Museum began rebuilding. She took time. The museum's exhibits – railway equipment – are open-air and under the influence of nature, they began to deteriorate. The work continued in a systematic way, therefore the museum was not closed, but continued to work together to rebuild, reported Vecherniy Brest.

  Photo: Evening Brest
Photo: Evening Brest

And after a year, this work has been completed. In addition to renovated and restored exhibits, residents and visitors to the city were waiting for a gift. In a few months, an exhibition pavilion of an area of ​​130 square meters was built. You will discover stylized models of the stations of the regional centers, learn the history of rail transport in Belarus, see the models of locomotives that have worked for years on the Belarusian railways and models of wagons. In the new exhibition hall, there are also everyday objects of railroad workers, the shape of the machinists, industry awards, railway lantern collections and locomotive plates. from different times. It is interesting for the inhabitants of the city to see the reconstructed landscape of the Moscow-Brest railway with typical railway installations of the model of 1872. All exhibitions and rarities of the exhibition complex are presented in a modern form . To enter the exhibition pavilion, you do not need to buy a ticket separately. Pbades pbad through the usual ticket to the museum.

Another novelty of the museum: a new specimen in the outdoor exhibition – a steam locomotive in a section.

Another gift: a bell in honor of the 999th anniversary of Brest

– I'm sure this museum will be one of the highlights not only of Brest and the region, but also in the whole republic. Thousands of people are interested in technology, in the history of Belarusian rail and rail transport. By preserving and increasing these traditions, we are laying a good foundation for the railway profession to be in demand. And it is not by chance that we open the museum (after the reconstruction and exhibition pavilion – Auth.) On the eve of our professional vacation, "said Vladimir Morozov chief of the road of Belarusian iron . The head of the Belarussian Railways handed the mayor of the city, Alexander Rogachuk, another small gift: a bell with the inscription "In honor of the 999th anniversary of Brest"

– Leave this bell – symbol of the railway "Vladimir Morozov wished

Alexander Stepanovich expressed his gratitude for the bell given and for a greater surprise – the exhibition pavilion at the Railway Museum:

– L & # The magnitude of this gift is the gift of the millennium, I have no doubt that the Museum of Railway Technology will become even more popular.

Illumination and Unusual Architecture

The contract for the design and construction of the pavilion 39th exhibition was concluded with the already experienced and well-proven organization of the OJSC Polesiezhilstroy.The company's general manager, Anatoly Petrinich, present at the opening of the museum handed the symbolic key to museum management.

– We express our gratitude for the honor and trust in the design and construction of such an important social object. We wish everyone good health and the museum a good historic road, "said Anatoly V. Vasilievich

Polesiezhilstroy was able to please the client by combining a combination of practicality and practicality, and an interesting visual solution. Exhibition is built in a modern architectural style with the use of glbad and wood.A three-dimensional view is attached to the stained glbad.In decoration, there is also a ventilated facade with perforated panels: holes of required diameter are drilled in a certain order, so that the holes eventually form a single image – a steam locomotive.The thematic image is well seen in the day, but much more interesting it will look in the evening thanks to the built-in lighting provided in the facade.There is not every construction company in Belarus that can achieve this decorative perforation. interesting architectural one of the exhibition pavilion is also the merit of Polesiezhilstroy OJSC, in particular, the management of the company's design work.

– They started building the pavilion at the end of November – beginning of December. We managed to complete the foundation, which allowed us to organize the work in the winter and fill everything in the time frame. In the building there is an administrative and domestic complex, facilities for staff with sanitary facilities, a cafeteria and an exhibition hall, – says Alexey Morozov, director of the general organization of the contract of the PMK-82 subsidiary of Polesiezhilstroy OJSC. – The contract was concluded for the design and construction of a turnkey pavilion. Therefore, our company has carried out not only construction work, but also engaged in the purchase and installation of all necessary equipment and furniture.

By the forces of Polesiezhilstroy employees, the museum also updated the Masherov Avenue fencing. In place of a dull wall, metal grilles appeared. Thanks to this fence, the museum's exhibitions are well-viewed, which increases their interest and attracts visitors.

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