Rumas on wages for 2019: at least 1025 rubles on average, 820 of state employees


President Alexander Lukashenko held today a big meeting on the economy during which he criticized the government. After him, Prime Minister Sergei Rumas announced the upcoming average salary for the country.

– The average salary for the year should be at least 1025 rubles next year. The salary in the public sector should be at least equal to 80% of the average salary, that is to say at the level of 820 – it is the average of the year – said Sergei Rumas after the meeting, informs BelTA. He also noted that the government also planned, in 2020, to equalize the minimum consumption budget and the minimum wage.

– According to our current estimates, the minimum wage as of January 1, 2020 will be 377, – he said.

At the same time, the Prime Minister reported to the President 12.3% of real wage growth for 10 months of this year. According to him, this goes well beyond the forecast parameters.

– In October, the average nominal wage in the whole country, without 30 kopecks, was 1,000 rubles. In the real economy, the salary is greater than 1075 rubles. In general, in the fourth quarter, a target of 1,000 rubles will be achieved in the country, – said Sergei Rumas.

He also said that in the public sector, wages rose in October to 769, which is 77% of the average wage in the country. In the fourth quarter, the salary of state employees is estimated at 800 rubles.

According to the National Statistics Committee of October, the average salary accrued for October amounted to 999.7 rubles.

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