MART responded to Kanopatskaya, which declared the monopoly of state media


In the future, the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade plans to conduct an badysis of the market for information, badysis and multimedia content within the framework of the project Development Program of the competition. For example, in MART, they responded to a request by MP Anna Kanopatskaya, who demanded that state-run media activities be subject to antitrust violations and badess the state of competition in the media market.

Remember the request sent by MART Kanopatskaya in September. It stresses that the market for information (content) and badysis in Belarus is characterized by "dangerous manifestations of discriminatory monopolistic practices" by the state producers, who are working in fact within the framework of a single state held under the authority of the Ministry of Information.

"There is a flagrant conflict of interest when the functions of legislator, regulator, licensor, merchant, financier and controller are concentrated in a single body of public administration. The management company of the state media group, its main producers (BelTA, BT, ONT, STV, SB.Belarus today and others) are actively using financial, administrative, regulatory and bureaucratic tools to exercise their monopoly power, which leads to discrimination of particular producers of information and badysis ", – said at the request of the deputy.

Kanopatskaya also notes in the paper that, through this approach, public producers have non-commercial benefits in the advertising market. Through tools such as accreditation for events organized by different government agencies, access to minutes of government meetings, printing presses, television and radio, there is discrimination of entities private commercial enterprises. The MP also pointed out that the situation was aggravated by selective budget subsidies granted to state-owned producers in the market for information and badysis.

In response, MART, signed by the Minister Vladimir Kaltovichit is said that the issues raised by Kanopatskaya in the application concern the entire system, particularly with regard to their impact on the competitive environment, and therefore require the adoption of scientifically and economically sound approaches and measures. In addition, noted the Ministry, it is necessary to consider the explanations of the people concerned.

MART also recalls that Belarus is in the process of developing a draft program for the development of competition in certain sectors of the economy. Subsequently, MART plans to continue similar badytical work in other sectors, including the information market, badyzes and media content.

"In this regard, we inform you that the issues you raised in your speech have already been reflected in principle in the preparation of the draft program. MART, in collaboration with government agencies and the business community, badyzes commodity markets to verify that they are on equal terms for the activities of organizations of all forms of ownership and fair competition, "he said. Vladimir Kaltovich.

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