In Russia and Ukraine, the army will increase wages and pensions. Will their Belarusian colleagues have an increase?


In Ukraine, it has been decided to increase military salaries from 1 January 2019. In Russia, from 1 October of the following year, the monetary allocation to military personnel will increase by 4.3 % and military pensions will be further indexed by 2%. In other words, the total increase in military pensions will be 6.3%. Will Belarus increase pensions and military salaries?

Photo: Angelica Vasilevskaya, TUT.BY
Photo: Angelica Vasilevskaya, TUT.BY

The base salary, on which depends the amount of the military and military pension allowance, was last revised in September 2017. But the increase in pensions kept a correction factor.

Pensions were therefore recalculated with correction factors in four stages: from 1 September 2017 – 0.83; from 1 December 2017 – 0,85; from 1 July 2018 – 0.9; from January 1st to June 30th 2019 – 0.95. As of July 1, 2019, they intend to cancel the correction coefficient.

The cancellation of the coefficients under Presidential Decree No. 314 on the security of the pensions of certain categories of citizens applies not only to military personnel, but also to the personnel of paramilitary organizations, including the investigative committee, the domestic affairs, the financial investigation organs of the state control committee, agencies and emergency units.

The monetary allowance is a set of payments calculated in the form of money. They provide military personnel, reservists, suvorovtsy, students of military units and military personnel called to (special) military fees, depending on their position, rank, qualifications, duration and conditions of military service, quality and work results, official and legal status.

In July of this year, the correction factor increased further to 0.9.

Military retirees confirm: they started to have more.

– Until July, I had a pension of 600 rubles. Then they added 30 rubles, said the retired major. – I still get 630 rubles. I heard that after the new year, they would still increase 5%.

In the press service of the Ministry of Defense, if wages and pensions of the army will increase in the near future, if they will be indexed, they refused to comment. They only said that all the information regarding the accumulation of these payments to the army is available on the website of the Ministry.

On the website of the Ministry of Defense, it is written that "the monetary compensation of the military was indexed for the last time in December 2015. The actual payment of pensions, taking into account the indexation of the monetary compensation of military personnel for December 2015, was carried out after the recalculation of pensions in February 2016. Due to the repeated increase in the amount of base salary and the non-exceeding of the threshold of 5% of the consumer price index compared to the previous value, the indexation of the monetary allowance taken into account for the payment of pensions for the period from January 2016 to today. It is not realized. "

As of January 1, 2018, the number of military retirees was 77,100.

According to the Ministry of Defense, on January 1 of this year, the number of military retirees in Belarus was about 79,000. By comparison: two years ago there were 82,800 people.

It should be remembered that it had previously been proposed to reconsider the amount of pensions for active retirees among former military personnel. At the same time, as of August 1, 2017, the duration of the work experience with the payment of compulsory insurance premiums for citizens who have served for a long time (at least 10 calendar years) (having served in paramilitary organizations) but not entitled to a pension under the pension legislation has been reduced. provide military personnel. The right to a retirement pension was granted to this category of citizens with at least 10 years of insurance experience and a total work experience of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women.

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