In the NSDC clarified the terms of the introduction of martial law in Ukraine


Source: AP 2018

"In accordance with the law of Ukraine "on the approval of the decree of the President of Ukraine" on the introduction of martial law in Ukraine "(№ 9338)adopted by Parliament on 26 November Martial law in Ukraine has been introduced in the regions of Vinnitsa, Luhansk, Nikolaev, Sumy, Odessa, Kharkov, Chernihiv, Donetsk, Zaporizhia and Kherson, as well as inland waters Azov-Kerch water areas from 14:00 on 26 November at 14:00 on 26 December 2018", Said in the explanation Press service NSDC, promulgated on Tuesday.

The Council for National Security and Defense recalled that the law, initiated by the President of Ukraine and taking into account his proposals, was supported by 276 deputies.

"According to the proposals of the military office, on November 26, the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine held a meeting at which it was decided" urgent measures aimed at guarantee the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and to impose martial law in Ukraine ". The Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine has submitted to the Ukrainian President a proposal to impose martial law in the country from 26:00 on November 26, 2018 for a period of 2 months (up to 39). 14 January 2019 at 14:00). The corresponding decree of the President of Ukraine was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on November 26, "explained the explanation.

The National Security and Defense Council notes that after discussing this issue in Parliament, the President of Ukraine decided to reduce the martial law to 30 days, which he has publicly informed Ukrainian citizens.

"By the decision of the CNDS of Ukraine dated November 26, 2018, the initiative of the President of Ukraine was supported and changes were made to the previous decision. In this regard, has been prepared The new decree of the President of Ukraine No. 392/2018 on the imposition of martial law for a period of 30 days (pursuant to 14:00 from 26 November to 14:00 on 26 December 2018) " – explained to the National Security Council.

During the examination of the Ukrainian law "on the approval of the decree of the Ukrainian President" on the introduction of martial law in Ukraine " (# 9338) Petro Poroshenko accepted limit the application of the decree to ten zones, as stated in his speech to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

On the website of the head of state has already made public the relevant decree of the President of Ukraine № 392/2018 of November 26, 2018 on the entry into force of the decision of the National Security Council amending the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of 26 November 2018 on the introduction of martial law in Ukraine from November 26 to December 26, 2018.

At the same time, the decree of the President of Ukraine N ° 393 on the introduction of martial law, approved by the law pbaded by the Verkhovna Rada on Monday, has not yet been made public.

There will be a new publication

Tuesday afternoon, it was learned that in Ukraine they had published the wrong version of the decree on martial law. Victoria Syumar, chairman of the Committee on Freedom of Expression and Information Policy of the Verkhovna Rada, then promised that the correct version of the decree of the Ukrainian President on the introduction of the law martial would be published Wednesday in the parliamentary newspaper "Voice of Ukraine".

"In the newspaper" Uryadovy Courier "issued a presidential decree, which was sent to the Verkhovna Rada.This document on the introduction of martial law, which the Parliament adopted yesterday (about 30 days) Now, it is being developed in the legal department and will be published tomorrow in the newspaper "Voice of Ukraine," Syumar said.

Earlier Vice Prime Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic integration, Ivanna Klimpush-Tsintsadze wrote in a social network only in the newspaper "Uryadovy Courier" Tuesday the presidential decree on the promulgation of the decision of the National Security Council and the defense of Ukraine on martial law was published, with indication of the date of its beginning on 26 November.

"We discovered. Incorrectly typed, those responsible will be liable to disciplinary sanctions. The announcement of the rebuttal will be printed. This decree is usually canceled. In the number of tomorrow, the law and the corresponding decree will be promulgated, "said Klimpush-Tsintsadze.

On November 26, after the incident occurred in the Kerch Strait, the Verkhovna Rada approved the introduction of martial law in a number of regions of Ukraine, announced by a decree of the President Ukrainian Petro Poroshenko. for a period of 30 days. However, it is unclear from what time and date it was introduced, because in the first version of the presidential decree it was stated: from 14h on November 26 for a period of 60 dayswhile Poroshenko in his televised speech said that the date of imposition of martial law will be adjusted at 9:00 am on November 28, 2018.

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