Officials adopt the moral character of Russian athletes – Other Sports News


It should be noted that the recent scandal involving former footballers Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamayev, who has already represented Russia in international competitions, was the impetus for the development of this project. The officials decided to strengthen the control over the moral character of the athletes in two directions.

There will be sports officials responsible for sports teams of athletes in teams of all ages. In addition, a code of ethics of all Russia will appear for candidates to national teams of Russia. It is expected that all sports federations in the country will participate in its creation.

Kokorin and Mamaev became on October 8 the instigators of two fights in Moscow. They first defeated Vitaly Solovchuk, TV presenter Olga Ushakova, and then attacked Denis Pak, head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and Sergei Gaysin, general manager of FSUE NAMI. Both players are in the detention center where they will stay until at least December 8. Athletes are accused in three criminal cases under the articles "hooliganism" and "beatings".

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