WADA experts come to Moscow. With what does it threaten us? – Other sports news


Source: AFP 2018

On 28 November, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) expert visit to Moscow will begin, which will condition the future of Russian sport.

At the end of September, the WADA Founders Council caused a sensation at our national agency RUSADA, which allowed it to comply with the law. Admittedly, this has been done in advance and in very difficult conditions. Now Russia is obliged to:

  • no later than 31 December 2018, provide to WADA the original electronic database (LIMS) of the Moscow laboratory, which has been sealed by the Investigation Committee;
  • before June 30, 2019, issue samples from WADA doping tests stored in the lab for a new test.

Obviously, fulfilling these conditions for our country is extremely painful. A new verification of laboratory data can lead to many backdated exclusions, including vis-à-vis Russian sports stars. After all, what exactly happened in the laboratory at the time of Grigory Rodchenkov, it seems, nobody understands it yet.

But if we do not meet our commitments to WADA, the situation may be even worse. In addition, most likely, it will become as serious as ever before, even in the midst of the doping scandal.

Head of RUSADA Yuri Ganus | Source: Reuters

Critical situation

– What will happen three days after November 28th? – A question to the Director General of RUSAD, Yuri Ganus.

– Three WADA representatives, as well as two experts from our side, will discuss technical issues related to the implementation of WADA requirements. This concerns the access to the LIMS electronic database stored in the laboratory. It should be handed over to WADA by the end of the year. In addition, the transfer will not take place only on a flash drive or disk, but will also need to delete data from the original hard drive, from the original equipment. I can not go into the details yet, they will be discussed.

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– Who will represent WADA at this meeting?

– They are very professional and competent people whose applications have been selected. I still do not have the right to call them publicly.

– I understand: considering that at the end of November, the details will only be approved in the best case, and that Christmas holidays are approaching, can we at least at least reach the end of the year?

– The situation is critical, we do not have time. Unfortunately, the question has been delayed. Theoretically, the same meeting should have been held earlier, even before the meeting of the Board of WADA founders. Since the end of September, when the decision to reinstate RUSADA's status was taken, no action has been taken. But on the other hand, thank God that the meeting is taking place at least now.

– What could be the consequences for Russia if we do not have time to transfer the samples by the end of the year?

– The consequences will be devastating. International Compliance Standard describes them in detail.

WADA President Craig Reedy | Source: AFP 2018

Our athletes can be left without international competitions.

– What is the veracity of the information that, in this case, the AMA will completely stop the tests in Russia and that our athletes will therefore remain without information? doping control and will not be able to compete in international competitions?

– I know this, especially during personal interviews with AMA President Craig Reedy. He said publicly: "If the samples are not transferred on time, Russia will lose all tests, both through RUSADA and any other international organization." And if our athletes are not tested, they will not be able to participate. Remember, we were upset because of neutral flag. So, compared to what can happen, it is the most minimal measure.

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– What will happen if we agree with AMA experts on the transfer mechanism of LIMS, but for technical reasons, we do not have time for any finish before the Christmas holidays?

– There are already enough statements. We are talking a lot, but the time has come when only concrete actions are expected from Russia. We must be clearly aware that failure to respect any of the points of agreement with WADA will result in our athletes being completely isolated from their participation in international competitions.

– You recently attended a meeting with leaders of the International Biathlon Union.

– Yes, the Russian Biathlon Union is already the third federation with which we are working to fulfill the restoration criteria. It is also a federation of heavy and athletic, and the heavy has already been restored. All the questions asked by the leaders of the international federation are quite appropriate and expected. We made our suggestions for interaction and they immediately include some of the criteria. We have experience and I am sure that all the necessary work on our part will be done.

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