Two men who abducted a woman for recruitment into a prostitute were sentenced to 7 years


The Krupsky District Court sentenced two local residents. For the abduction, they were sentenced to 7 years in prison, announced the press service of the court.

According to the case documents, two 27-year-old men, pbading along the M1 motorway, saw a woman. They took her forcibly into the forest and demanded that she work as a prostitute under their direction, promised to find clients and an apartment for the provision of intimate services, and also organized a trip in Russia for this purpose. The victim was a Borisova resident aged 42 years.

The court recognized the men guilty of kidnapping a person "for the purpose of exploitation" and sentenced everyone to seven years of imprisonment in a regime-enhanced colony. They confiscate all property.

In the present case, the defendants are justified in the light of the art. 171-1 of the Penal Code (participation in prostitution or coercion to continue) "because of the absence of corpus delicti in their actions".

The sentence has not yet come into force and may be the subject of an appeal.

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