Irkutsk will take over the torch of the Winter Universiade on 1 December with the participation of 25 torchbearers – Olympic News


"On December 1, the first stage of the Winter Universiade Torch Relay in the Siberian Federal District will take place in Irkutsk – 2019. It is expected that about 2,000 people will attend at the event. The torch will be worn by 25 people, 20 of whom have been selected by competition. Residents of the region have achieved excellent results in the fields of sport, culture and science. Five have been removed from the organizers, but their names are kept secret until 1 December, "said the president. Press service.

Among those chosen by the competition, there are world clbad athletics masters, Universiade champions Dmitry Buriak and Olga Kurban. As reported by Tbad in Press service The sports ministries of the Irkutsk region, who wanted to carry the torch, have themselves nominated themselves, they had to fulfill the conditions of the competition, including writing a test. The candidates evaluated the jury. Also reported that the names of those who will light the fire cup, are not disclosed.

The course of the Universiade in torch relay goes from the triumphal arch of the lower part of the wharf, in the main streets of Irkutsk, to the place close to the sports palace Trud, where the fire will be on. From Irkutsk, fire will go to Barnaul.

The Torch Relay of the Winter Universiade began on 20 September in Turin. On the international stage, torchbearers have been running in the streets Alma Aty and Harbin. On the territory of Russia the competition fire has already visited Moscow, Kaliningrad, Simferopol, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Grozny, Saint PETERSBOURG, Arkhangelsk, Kazan, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok. The fire trip to Krasnoyarsk will end on March 1st.

The Winter Universiade will be held in Krasnoyarsk from March 2 to 12, 2019. Athletes will compete for 76 rounds of awards. B.

There are eight mandatory sports: skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing, hockey, short track snowboarding, figure skating, curling. Medals will also be awarded in three additional types of programs: freestyle, orienteering and hockey.

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