A resident of Minsk bought an apartment and found himself owed a thousand euros for a collective apartment from the previous owner. How did it happen?


A resident of Minsk has bought an apartment in Green Meadow, but he will now have to pay more than a thousand rubles of debt for the purchase of a communal apartment by former owners. How that happened, writes the agency "Minsk-News".

Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY
Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

In the RCC number 3 of Sovetsky district, a man bought an apartment in Koltsov, 18 years old. At the conclusion of the sales contract, the buyer and the seller agreed on all matters related to the settlement of utility payments, including telephone and electricity. Agreed that they do not have mutual claims. From the moment of registration of the dwelling in BRTI, the new owner was obliged to pay for housing and utilities on the personal account.

A bad surprise came two weeks later. Inspectors of the unitary enterprise of Minskvodokbad called the apartment to reconcile the meters. And it turned out that there was a decent underpayment: the difference between the volumes paid and actually consumed in cold water was about 300 cubic meters and about 200 meters cubes. The amount of debt exceeded 1,000 rubles (tax on water, heating and accumulated penalty) and was included in the fat.

It should be noted that a man has reached an agreement with the EU Minskvodokbad only a month after buying a home.

"Under the law, the landlord is responsible for maintaining property owned by the landlord, including the responsibility for calculating utility bills from the date of home ownership," says CCR's deputy chief. ° 3 of Sovetsky district Tatyana Khomich. – He did not agree with the amount of debt presented to the payment and tried to challenge it in court. The other day, the court ruled him.

Could a person spend about 500 cubes of water in two weeks? Unlikely. However, the man could not prove that this volume had been consumed by the previous owner of the property.

At the time of the transaction, the buyer has seen a receipt for the last payments made. But he did not check the information contained in the grease according to the ISP's testimony at the end of the reporting month and the data appearing on the water meter chart. The difference between these readings and was the amount of debt, pay attention to the RIC.

– Unfortunately, not all consumers transmit reliable readings to the SPP or transmit any water at all. Therefore, quite often, when checking measuring devices, a significant difference is revealed between the volumes paid and the volumes consumed in the sense of a shortage (as in the case considered) or a bursting (excessively deposited funds are then directed towards future payments), explains Khomich. – When buying a house, you must carefully watch these points. We also do not recommend that the new owners postpone the conclusion of an agreement with the EU Minskvodokbad, which provides for the payment of water service according to the indications of each meter. If a man did it right away, he would have a chance to prove his position in court.

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