The Israeli army has denied reports that a plane was shot dead in Syria


A source from the Syrian security forces had previously told RIA Novosti that the Arab Republic's air defense had been shot down over the village. al-Kiswa South of Damascus is an Israeli military plane and four missiles. In that state, the Syrian media reported that Syria's air defense system hit several targets in the skies over the southern part of the country on Thursday.

"The damage to an Israeli plane or other Israeli air targets does not correspond to reality," said the army. Press service.

Israeli army again do not comment on reports of their involvement in the air strike.

The Israelis admit that over the past two years they have bombed 200 Iranian objects in Syria and speak of their determination to continue their operations, despite the strengthening of Syria's air defense by modern Russia. anti-aircraft missile S-300 complexes. Their delivery was a response to the tragic incident with reconnaissance aircraft The Russian VKS Il-20, responsible for the death in Moscow attributed to the Israeli army.

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