A brave dog saved his mistress from a snake bite


The owner of each dog walks every day with his pets. American Paula Godwin of Arizona was no exception. But her morning walk with two pets, Todd and Cooper, did not end as the woman supposed, writes boredpanda.com.

  Photo: facebook.com/paula.godwin.7
Photo: facebook.com/paula.godwin.7

All happened instantly. Paula and the dogs walked up the hill and did not immediately notice the rattlesnake. The Viper tried to sting a woman, but Todd, six months old, became a retriever.

The dog jumped between his mistress and his reptile and took a bite addressed to a woman. The snake bit the dog in the face, which quickly became swollen. Paula is rushed to the nearest veterinary clinic. The vet gave Todd an antidote and left him at the clinic for the rest of the day to see if all was well.

The next day, Paula Godwin posted a photo of Todd in the park, adding that his pet is already feeling well.

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