A business class train with an intermediate stop in Chashniki will be launched between Orcha and Lépel


A business clbad train will start on foot between Orcha and Lepel, regional centers in the Vitebsk region. The train will be named from December 9, it is already available on the website rasp.rw.by.

Single PESA DP1, which will circulate between cities. Photo: TUT.BY

However, between Orsha and Lepel, there are electric trains twice a day. From December 9th, the regional business clbad 771B / 772B will be added, it will be daily. It is a diesel single-rail PESA DP1.

Departure from Orsha at 11:37, arrival at Lepel at 13:40. Departure from Lepel – 15h56, arrival at Orsha at 18h11. The train will make an intermediate stop at Chashniki.

Tickets are already available on the website of the Belarussian railways, the price between Orcha and Lepel is 3 rubles and 90 kopecks.

It is expected that the business clbad train will reach the final station of the final station in 2 hours 3 minutes and 2 hours and 15 minutes. Regular electric trains, with stops in small towns, are en route for 2 hours and 54 minutes.

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