"A non-sexist, non-binary man with an American passport" was not admitted to Belarus


On August 1, Alok Wade-Manon Woman in public was to perform in Minsk, but the event will take place without the participation of that person. He was not admitted to Belarus, Facebook organizers reported

"Alok is a non-white man with an American pbadport", describe the organizers of Wade Manon

"Alok n '. was not allowed to cross the Belarusian border Referenced in Article 30 of the Byelorussian Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons", said LGBT activist Victoria Biran

Art. 30 of the Law of Belarus "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons" includes a list of reasons for refusing entry into Belarus.The stay of a foreigner in the Republic of Belarus is against the interests of national security of the Republic of Belarus, public order, protection of morals, public health, rights and freedoms of the citizens of the Republic of Belarus and other persons [19659003] A flight from Amsterdam with Alok Wade Manon arrived at the national airport "Minsk" at 3 pm on July 31st. Due to the fact that Wade Manon was not admitted to Belarus, Alok will remain at the airport until 9:30 Wednesday – until the next flight Minsk-Amsterdam.

The organizers also contacted the US embbady in Belarus. "We are sad to see that the border guards, instead of Belarusian values ​​such as hospitality and tolerance, have demonstrated to the world transphobia and racism," said event organizers . 19659003] Reminder, July 24, Ale Alexander Lukashenka signed a decree increasing the visa-free regime for citizens of 80 countries up to 30 days, provided they arrive at the national airport "Minsk "and leave in the same way.


Non-binary people do not fit into the system. In such a system, a gender expression that does not coincide with the standard notions of masculine and feminine is prohibited. The general term "nebinarity" includes other people who identify as agents or genderess, androgynous (balance between men and women), bigenders (feeling then in the feminine or masculine domain ), genderfluids ("Float" between all possible genres). Most non-binary people prefer to call themselves "they".

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