A storm warning was announced on Saturday. Ministry Emergency Situations Advice for those who are at home and on the road


On July 14, Belhydromet announced a storm warning. Thunderstorms are expected in most parts of the country, heavy rain showers on the sites of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

On Saturday, July 14, thunderstorms are expected in most parts of the country, including Minsk. , how to deal with heavy rain and lightning.

In the shower:

– refrain from traveling around the city, if possible stay in the apartment or at work. Turn on the wire and radio means,

– if heavy rain has caught you in the street, do not go down into the underpbades and other buried rooms. Try to shelter in buildings located above the possible flood level

– if the building in which you are is submerged, try to leave it and go to the nearest altitude [19659005] – If you can not leave the building, turn off the electricity and gas, close the doors and windows and report your location to the emergency department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations at tel. 101.

Recommendations for drivers:

– parking cars in low places

– do not leave cars in parking lots in places where floods often occur

– if heavy rain catches you in the car, do not try to overcome the flooded areas. Adjust slowly to the rightmost (side) row and, without emergency braking, stop moving. Turn on the emergency lights and wait for the shower. In case of rapid arrival of water, leave the vehicle and go to the elevated area or to the nearest building

– if driving in a car during a lightning, stop and close the windows, stay in the car.

In the house:

– if possible, do not leave the house, close the windows and chimneys, it is not recommended to heat the stove during a thunderstorm [19659005] – stay away from antennas; TV, avoid using the telephone and electricity

In the open area:

– do not hide under tall trees (especially solitary)

– s & # There is no shelter, lie on the floor or sit in a dry pit, bending your head; the forest should be sheltered among the low vegetation

– if you are not alone, it is better to squat without touching the others

– during a storm you can not not swim in the water, run, be near a power line

] – If you drive a bike or a motorcycle, stop driving, leave and x and wait for a thunderstorm at a distance of 39, about 30 meters from them;

– if you are on a hill, go down;

– if you are in a boat during a storm, row to shore;

– if you drive to If lightning strikes:

– the victim must be undressed, pour his head with cold water and, if possible, wrap the body with a cold wet veil;

– if the person has not yet come to, it is necessary to do artificial respiration "mouth in the mouth" and as soon as possible to call for medical help.

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