A young man who scared the citizens of Minsk with an ax was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison


In the evening of February 28, in a forest park near Nikitin Street in Minsk, a 50-year-old resident of a neighboring house was walking his dog. When the animal began to bark loudly, the owner went back and saw an unknown young man whose lower part of his face was covered with a cloth. He held the ax in his right right hand. The man was scared and ran home with the dog and a man with an ax chased him.

The Minsk citizen hid behind the fence of the house, reported the incident to the police and indicated the signs of the attacker. The pregnant has established the identity of the suspect – a 24-year-old resident of Minsk was detained and placed in a temporary detention center.

According to a young man, he went to the woods to cut wood to relieve stress. Before that, he consumed alcohol and drugs. An hour before the events above, the Minsker threatened two other people with an ax.

The Minsk Soviet District Court sentenced a young man accused of malicious and particularly malicious hooliganism to 3 years and 6 months imprisonment, BelTA informs in reference to the press service of the Minsk City Court

The young man will serve a sentence in the intensive regime colony. The verdict has not entered into force and may be the subject of an appeal and protest in accordance with the procedure established by law.

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