According to INADO, WADA has shown excessive condescension towards Russia – Olympic News


"The decision to maintain compliance status with RUSADA continues to raise serious concerns in our community. The vote of confidence in the new direction of RUSADA, which comes under the new leadership, is the recognition of a number of bold decisions taken by Yuri Ganus to give Russia a new direction, and in this respect encouraging. Always our community again deeply concerned that doping is a deliberate and legalized use ", Press release iNADO, who posted a reporter on his microblog on Twitter bbc Dan Rohan.

"It is clear that, faced with these serious circumstances, Russia has had more chances and leniency than any individual athlete or small country can expect. This is very alarming, "the message says.

On September 20, 2018, the WADA Executive Committee reinstated the full status of RUSADA, which it had been deprived of in November 2015. According to the decision of the WADA Executive Committee, the Russian side had to grant access data from the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory by December 31st. WADA experts can not complete their work within the time limit. On January 17, WADA announced that its experts had been able to obtain data from the Moscow Anti-Doping Lab database and basic badytical data generated by the laboratory.

WADA experts unable to complete the work on time because of Equipment certification issues for data mining, an extraordinary meeting of the WADA Compliance Committee is held to specifically address the issue of RUSADA's compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code. . On Tuesday, it was announced that RUSAD's compliance status with the World Anti-Doping Code had been maintained.

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