Affected by "Novice" Charlie Rowley left the hospital


A resident of the English city of Amesbury, Charlie Rowley, wounded by nervous poisoning at the end of June, left the hospital.

  A closed place in the city of Amesbury. Photo: Reuters
The closed area in the city of Amesbury. Photo: Reuters

His friend Don Sturges, who would have a much more serious dose of poison, died about two weeks ago. Investigators believe that this poisoning is related to the attempted badbadination of Sergei and Yulia Skripal on March 4 with the help of Novice.

On Thursday, British police identified suspects in the badbadination attempt of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal. According to the Press Association, referring to sources close to the course of the investigation, Scotland Yard thinks that several Russians have been involved in the poisoning of Skripal and his daughter Julia in Salisbury [19659005] "The investigators badume that they managed to establish suspects attacking with the use of" Novice "through surveillance cameras and verify the data obtained with information about who entered the country at that time, "the AP quotes its source in the police.

According to this data, the investigators are sure This was told to the BBC by Charlie Rowley's brother who spoke to him while he was still in the hospital.

According to Matthew Rowley, after talking to his brother on the phone, he barely recognized the person he knew before. so much poisoning has changed. Earlier, doctors warned that Novel Drunkenness victims in Amesbury, if they survive, will probably not be able to restore their health completely.

Charlie Rowley, 45, and Don Sturges, 44, were hospitalized on June 30th. near Salisbury. As their friend said, the victims had foaming from their mouths.

Initially, doctors badumed that Rowley and Sturges were poisoned by heroin or poor quality cocaine. Samples taken from the victims were examined at the state chemistry lab at Porton Down and found that they were exposed to a substance from the same group that had been poisoned by the Violins.

Sturges, admitted with the same diagnosis to the hospital several hours earlier than Rowley, who died on July 8th. It is badumed that the amount of neurotoxic agent to which Sturges was exposed was at least 10 times greater than that used in Violins poisoning.

Investigators believe the substance was in a bubble of spirits discovered by a couple in the center of Salisbury. Sturges sprayed the substance directly onto his skin, the source said.

On the 10th of July, it was learned that Rowley was coming back, the next day the doctors announced that he was no longer in critical condition.

Poisoning Violin Elle

Sergei and Julia Skripal found the day of March 4 in the center of Salisbury on a bench in the unconscious park. Before that, they went to the local pub of The Mill and had lunch at the pizzeria Zizzi

During the investigation, British sources of police and intelligence services called different versions of the book. poisoning

. Paralytic toxin could be put in Julia Skripal's luggage in Moscow. A week later, at Scotland Yard, they said that the first contact between Skripal and his daughter with Novikom was the front door of their house

On May 4, Ahmet Uzumju, the head of the house, said: Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons The attack was applied from 50 to 100 grams of nerve agent.

The substance has been shown to be extremely persistent, and weather factors do not affect it, said the head of the organization. This is why, despite the time elapsed since the time of poisoning, the experts have managed to find his samples.

Russian diplomats try to meet the Violins. On May 16, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Sergei Skripal was still a Russian citizen. Russia does not understand the reasons why London refuses consular access to the victim and his daughter Julia, she said.

Julia Skripal is also a Russian citizen, and Moscow insists that the consul give her access. However, in April, Skripal issued a statement stating that she still did not want to see employees of the Russian Embbady

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