"After such a creative path, going to a restaurant is humiliating." Actress Kudrin on sexuality, the golden years in the "Di Bronx and Natalie" and the personal tragedy


Natalia Kudrin you can know by the duo "Di Bronx and Natalie", who tore up the radio station at the beginning of zero. Or on the creative pseudonym Venera, under which the singer worked for a long time. Or as a Belarusian designer who produces his own line of clothing. In an interview with Onliner.by, the actress told of her personal tragedy, her career resurfaced, she remembered years of working with Finberg and Antonov and talked about bad and show business domesticated.

] – How are you?

– Perfect. You see, I just arrived.

– Have you rested?

– Yes. She's rested.

– Why Cyprus?

– Cyprus, because a few years ago, I had very good friends there. When we go abroad or somewhere to rest, we do not always do it with friends. And when you go alone, you really miss it. And so we call, let's agree and live together. Again, save – nowadays it's more important than ever.

– Also true.

– And you know, people are very interesting. They come from St. Petersburg, from Ukraine. I am very happy: there is much to learn and to teach. That's to say, I combine nice with useful.

– Judging by the photographs, we rested well.

– Oh, and how many of them will still be. I am embarrbaded to spread it …

Actually, I really do not like to take pictures, but I understand that it is necessary for the work: what there is have a constant movement. Although I can not stand it. I do not have these diseases, which are now called smart words. When I leave, I want to rest and not worry about the need to wear makeup, to take care of my hair. The hair in the south is still drying out, but you still want to look good. And it starts … And I want to rest completely. In general, I want to do everything professionally and fully.

– How long have you been working on an image that will eventually be published?

– I approach the picture this way: the more natural there is, the better it is. Therefore, first I feed the idea: I like the action, the movement – in the movement, I am very good in this area. I come with, then it starts. We rented a quad, and I knew it would look very impressive, if I went along the beach, all those splashes … There was splashing, but the picture is blurry, you see? The most beautiful picture that we have unfortunately not been able to draw!

There are questions. Cyprus is a popular place for holidaymakers, so it's hard to find a beach without people. This is not the Maldives. But for me, nothing is impossible: I found a beach that fully responds to this slight brutality. There is not this laxtery, this white sand … Everything coincided! And I was shot by my child, she is 13 years old. I show him a certain place and say: "Here, from this place, you must shoot, from below, have long legs" . And there was a funny situation there. I'm lying on the sand, next to a wooden spool. I tell a friend: "You go out there and retire from above, and I'm going to lie all so beautiful." I'm lying down, the heat is unbearable, my friend takes pictures. Then I get up, and everyone starts laughing. They say: "You have a bull in the back" .

– You talk about lax on vacation. Is it important for you?

– It's not about me at all. We can not be everywhere because of different circumstances. For me, the company I travel with is important. All of these "all inclusive" are not my format at all, it was a long time ago when I was just starting out. I do not like being under the control of someone, I need to do everything myself. At home the certain food, such is not present in the restaurants: there everything is so big! And I am a delicate person, I lick my spoon even after the baby that I will not eat.

For me, freedom in everything is very important. That's my main criterion. I love to manage my own time: get up, jog, talk in the sun, at sea and in the air, charge. The more events and places are extreme, the better. I think for all young people, it is very important now – they are no longer interested in the "all inclusive" format. Now, it is important that we permeate our lives: travel, knowledge, events, new people. This year 2017 I shot a little …

– Why?

– It was a turning point. I have had some changes in my personal life. Cardinal. Everyone has won the freedom of choice, and this coincided with the impact of this event, and because of my age, I started to review all the positions of my life: how do I feel? have lived, what am I, what am I doing? Such a period in my life has come. I have read a lot of good literature: I chose, filtered.

– What is this literature?

– Now, a lot of all this is written. How do you behave with people, how do you deal with life, how do you act, what thoughts do you have? I drink with this bading "positive" word and reject all unnecessary thoughts that overthrow me.

I think 2017 was the most terrible for me. Depression, when you suffocated and you did not look enough, – it seemed like it could not be worse in this life. Before, I could not say without tears, but now the time has pbaded and I have understood a lot. Freedom is not what you do. Internal freedom is within your limits. When you stand in your hands, do not allow yourself to be rude, negative, acts, which you will then be ashamed of.

– Have you ever allowed yourself such actions?

– Yes, I have sometimes done it very badly.

– Why are you ashamed?

– I am ashamed of the lies. I should not have lied, it was like that, just in case. These are not so difficult cases, for which I am directly ashamed. It's a useless and useless lie, just to not bother the person. Once – and lied. And then you have to think about what I said. With the memory I have a bad: I forget everything and then I look silly. Also you understand: and for what it is necessary? I am an accomplished person and I can tell the truth by looking in the eyes. I learned to say no and to acquire such qualities that, probably, have always lived in me, but because of life, the circumstances were somewhere in the interior. Now I have this girl clean, sincere, confident, but with an easy life experience. When it is possible to say something, and when it is better to remain silent. Answer only the questions you are asked. Do only what you like. I can afford it.

Thanks to this year, I have four very important songs that tell all my experiences. These songs were written for me by my companion on "De Bronx and Natalie" Denis Shpitalnikov. We were online almost 24 hours a day. That's the person who supported me. And my mother, of course, argued, but my mother, we can not always tell everything we live. Intimate things that I can not tell my mother anymore. And Denis was that person. Although we worked together 20 years ago, the relationship was very tense. We slept on the same couch, but, let's just say, they did not respect each other very much.

"Well, my chest is big! Do I have to hide it under the golf? "

– I understand so much that rebranding is badociated with these radical changes in my personal life.You are now Kudrina.Why was Venera out of place for you?"

– Venera – It was a project that has survived.This started well and ended well.I had a period when the good songs ceased to appear.The crisis of creativity s & # 39; It is produced throughout our show business: there are no songs that become successes Yes, there are soul songs, there are songs programmed for certain events. There are no hits, and we complain about radio stations that do not listen to our songs, and I understand them perfectly: the radio works on notation and advertising, these are business rules. plays according to its own rules, so we have to work, never stop, even if you are a star. Sometimes you have to give a good pendal gift so that you can move on to another stage of development. That has happened. I am different, I feel different. I had always had constant doubts. I felt a little disrespectful and offended, but now I am not offended, but I draw conclusions. To be offended is the privilege of the servants.

– Venera was a pretty straightforward project.

– Judging by the name?

– Not only Just re-read your interviews.

– Yes? How awful! I do not remember anything.

– Even though we are now goading ourselves, we will first cross your photo in the bath.

– Oh, listen! This bath does not leave me any rest. It was such a mistake! I'm so fat there, fu.

– How did they persuade you?

– Everything should have been completely different, but the girl was not very honest with me. I said to him: "Can not you see me?" Answer: "No, only at the elbows" . I trusted a fool. And then I saw a picture … She said: "Why do that? You set me up. It's an ugly picture, I'm ugly, fat. In general, a woman in bath! "

– Yes, and the badociation" singer in the bath "is so-so.

– Disgusting! Plus, I had an image so elegant. And then the bath … I was very uncomfortable: I cried, I asked. But, unfortunately, we like new fries. It was one of them.

– You know, we had groups of Topless and Las Vegas, and we talked about bad in the Belarusian scene. They argued why it's so small. It seems that the most grateful subject for speculation!

– Do you call me to discuss the Belarusian scene?

– Including.

– We will not go to individuals?

– Of course.

– How is it more beautiful to say that no one offends … Let's start with the fact that for me, baduality is the same quality as honesty. These are some feelings of taste, of love – a certain state in which you are. It should be in principle, because it is natural. God has created women and men so that they multiply and continue the race. Why are we embarrbaded about this? There is simply no need to go out and transform baduality into vulgarity. These are two absolutely opposite qualities and concepts. Sexuality is not about deep cleavage and languid gaze, licking lips and getting into a protruding posture. Sexuality is a sacred quality inside a man and a woman, who is there or not. It must come from within. The word "charisma" means that you do something better than others, with creativity. Now we have a ten point system: nine is excellent, and a dozen is …

– … a creative approach.

– It's bady.

– So we have problems with that?

– The problem is that we have always been a bit crushed. We were embarrbaded by that.

– Where were you scared?

– And they were scared. We must all be so restrained … We are stuck in the 90s and do not move anymore.

And sometimes, when you come out pretty bright … Well, my chest is big! Should I hide it under the golf? No, of course. Usually, I dress, it looks different. Maybe I give it one way or the other. But I feel myself and I want to be myself. It was a time when I wanted to be better than I really am. Yes, I am brilliant. Do I need to be embarrbaded? If I do not want to sing, I'll do something else. I am pretty successful in the design. To me very well goes: to Peter, Moscow, the United States, Great Britain girls ask, who the designer. It's very nice for me. The main idea is an idea, and the money is only one way to achieve high goals

Why did I have such a long break … I stopped finding good songs.

– I understand that he was related to family problems.

– You know, I did not have a director either, I was alone. I would take it, but I relaxed! Raskapalilas, felt sorry for herself, engaged in procrastination. Stupid act, but, so it was necessary. I am tired of harbading and eating – I almost ate myself. Then I realized that if I did not stop and pull my hair like Munchausen, I would disappear.

During this period, I thought: there are no songs, so I will not sing badly. I already felt that I did not sing my own songs, I started to dress like all our Belarusian music. I lost my temper and I stopped being a brilliant personality, an individuality.

"The temperature is less than forty, and I have barely crawled up to the stage"

– Did you identify with the Belarusian scene?

– What does "identify" mean? I am just an artist. And at what stage I belong to others, it's their business. That did not interest me.

– The merits pbaded during the "creative holidays" have been forgotten. Do you have suggestions now? Performances, corporate parties …

– It is an acquaintance and very rare. Very rarely, because many know me as a designer. Then they discover that I am also a singer. I am not at all angry about this, although at first I thought: "Oh, what will happen!" But nothing will happen. I throw a good song, and all that will happen. I am not worried at all. Even if it is not the case, I will not waste: I have good discussions with Moscow, Peter, Ukraine, Germany …

– Negotiations on what?

– On speeches. Now I'm preparing a clip, a clip is being produced, and they're waiting to cooperate with me later.

– Are you a designer or a singer now?

– Artist. Of course, the artist. Especially with the songs that I have now.

– You recently played at the corporate party. Then they also described it: "It's easier to move the stadium than the company's." What kind of story was it?

– It was Victoria's birthday. That's my employer, he has often made me appear at corporate New Year parties, and I'm very grateful to him. I could not help but talk to him at the party. Everyone was happy and happy

You know, I mean I have not played for a long time and my knees have trembled

– Really?

– No, well, this artist who does not worry before going on stage is bad. I have not spoken for a long time. But after the first song and the conversation, I came to myself. Well, you! When there is a return, when there is an exchange of energy with the public … You only receive when you give. It happened to me to have a temperature of less than forty years and I barely crawled up to the stage, then left, I surrendered myself, and no one was there. noticed that you have a fever. And then she came and fell. But what a satisfaction! It's cooler than bad. Believe me.

– At the beginning of zero, this company story was very big.

– Yes. Ukraine, Russia. There are other fees, and the viewer is different.

– I must surely have faced the game.

– For me, the game is when a kind of familiarity with men begins. I had pretty straightforward outfits, and this gave them an excuse to think that the girl was available and that she could be there and there for a certain amount. But we never talked about it – we always left quickly. Although there were problems with the violence: they tried to dissolve their hands, they started talking in the spirit of "and you can agree". Because in Moscow, it is normal, but we are from Belarus, we are different.

– You usually have a very rich balance sheet. You even worked as a back-up for Antonov for a while.

– It was a long time ago. I sat in one way or another and asked Denis to write me a biography, and he ran like that! I say: "Listen, that's all me, and then I'm worried I'm fine."

– How did you work with Antonov? Judging by the press, he is not the most pleasant person.

– Yes, he is a very complex person and closed with his philosophy. He really has a lot of cats and smells in the apartment.

– And you visited him?

– Yes, of course. We worked together for a long time. He is an unrealistic person! Just a good soul.

– Seriously?

– Yes,

– And you can not say.

– Do you know why? Everyone wants a piece of the glory of so popular people, and because of this "wonderful" audience, who bites all the time, people put on masks. The same thing happened: the more you are bitten, the harder you get. You put on a mask, and then it's hard to tear yourself off. Even sometimes with parents, you are there – you are so used to it.

Antonov has raw nerves: it's just the amount and no more. Although there, Finberg also tried to increase the fees a little. And that was enough. At the time I lived in an inn and was studying at the institute, it was generally good. I have there and love was with one of the trumpeters, up to the butterflies in the stomach. But I am chaste, I come from Belarus. I remember with pleasure these moments! When you sing a song, you always have love in the orchestra.

The songs of Antonov are successes and successes. Although I still do not know if he really wrote them. I heard that they wrote for him.

– The story is silent.

– Yes. And there are no more songs! Why?

– Maybe he wrote everything he wanted. And maybe then it was opportune, but now it is not the case.

– But after all, ABBA at the time offered a lot of money, and they refused. And now they are together.

– The money has the property to end.

– So, stop!

– After Finberg's orchestra you received an invitation to "Di Bronx and Natalie". How was it?

– Молодечно подарили машину Потом был Финберг, после этого поехали гастролировать по России с Антоновым, и, по-моему, в это же время поступило предложение. Тогда я оставила оркестр, и Михаил Яковлевич очень сильно был на меня обижен. 1965отя, наверное, уже простил.

Мы уехали работать в Москву, поработали года два, и начались конфликты. У моего партнера появилась любовь, и все. Если появляется женщина, происходят страшные вещи. Я никогда не лезу и не грызу зубами, хотя, наверное, надо было бы. Потому что это был не мужчина, and проект – дело всей моей жизни. Нужно было покусаться, но я была внутренне неуверенна и слаба. Думала: "Значит, они все правильно делают". И отпустила – уехала за границу, поработала три года в Бахрейне.

Знаете, у меня все было в вялотекущем режиме. Не скажу, тень были. Но была как колбаса …

– Чисто белорусский стиль.

– Вот точно. И так сойдет. Это было неправильно. Наверное, не было человека, который бы просто выписал пенделя. Сейчас я сама себе такой человек. Мы всегда ждем помощи от людей, а нужно все делать самому.

Потом была Venera – достаточно яркий проект. Хотя я хочу сказать, что песня The Thing полгода как-то очень вяло шла. Это потом она уже звучала из каждого утюга. Наверное, потому что на английском языке.

– Когда вы ее сейчас переслушиваете, она вам нравится?

– Ну … Я никогда не заслушивалась своими песнями. 1965 к н м ним иначе отношусь, чем к чужим, которые мне нравятся.

– Почему она была на английском? Целились на Запад?

– Нет, просто я тогда сотрудничала с Алексом Дэвидом из группы Atlantica – он ведь тоже на английском писал. Как-то все хорошо легло, все срослось.

– Но только.

– Ужасный, отвратительный! И что? Конечно, сейчас я переслушиваю и думаю: как я могла так петь? Акцент отвратительный. [отямысАлексомДэвидомзаписывалиэтупеснюионследилзаним

– Не доследил.

– Я ни в коем случае не говорю, что я perfect и все, что я делаю, замечательно. Конечно, я признаю свои ошибки: да, это плохо и некачественно. Но это все было. Я же не пользуюсь этим и не живу прошлым. . Сейчас я делаю совсем другой продукт

"У нас всегда на" Евровидение "приходят поучаствовать, а я хочу победить"

– Давайте вернемся в то прошлое, когда вы получили приглашение в "Ди Бронкс и Натали" [19659096] – Денис меня пригласил через знакомых. У нас была подружка общая, и они искали солистку, потому что с прежней достаточно скандально разошлись. Она до сих пор не дает покоя, причем серьезно.

Я очень долго думала. Знаете, мне было непросто оставить оркестр Финберга: он мне был как отец. Хотя сейчас я понимаю, что нельзя прикипать к людям, потому что потом тяжело расставаться. Я настолько доверяю своей судьбе, что отпускаю все и интернет, куда она меня ведет. Вот я доверилась ей, и все сложилось. Мы за неделю переписали альбом, и он стал успешным in Москве. Мы на первых строчках хит-парадов, машины на стадионе раскачивали, аншлаги собирали, на сцене работали с такими мэтрами, как Boney M, Masterboy, E-Type – в одной гримерке с ними переодевались, обнимались и выступали. ЯЯс сч юд юд .д .д .д .д .д .д .д .д .д .д .д .д .д .д .д .д. Для Аллы Пугачевой на день рождения была записана песня "Балалайка", все эти рождественские встречи … Мы были там – в первом эшелоне артистов. Комментация получали приглашение

– Когда вы получали приглашение, вас не смущал весь этот бэкграунд? Какие-то шальные деньги, финансовые пирамиды …

– Я обо вечать в котробнее. Что вы, я вообще никуда не лезла! Меня не интересовало ничего кроме творчества. Меня захватывал этот момент – там я могла показать свой голос.

Вообще, нам Михаил Яковлевич говорил, что главное – это репертуар. А где его взять? Для нас писали песни белорусские композиторы. Вы понимаете, что там было: про травку, про облака. Эта абстракция ни о чем мне никогда не нравилась. Комментария подробнее подробнее подробнее? И когда ты начинаешь показывать какие-то мелизмы, тебя начинают останавливать: "Так не надо делать, так не надо". Тебя постоянно зажимали, душили эту свободу творчества.

– Конечно, хотелось! Например, когда ты едешь на конкурс, ты хочешь показать свой голос, дать "мяса" мелизмы, а тебя не продвигают – отмечают того, кто поет, как на сольфеджио, понимаете? И это тебя постоянно давит. Ну как не сломаться? Становятся такими – поют, как на сольфеджио. То же самое происходит и в нашей эстраде: на все правительственные концерты приглашают одних и тех же людей, которые поют одни и те же песни – каверы, которые нравятся всей возрастной публике, и, может быть, чуть-чуть своих песен, которые никому не интересны. Петь каверы я не хочу. Я со своим директором разошлась на этой почве. Он мне говорил: "Собираем музыкальный коллектив, кавер-бэнд, и идем в рестораны петь" . Я сказала: «Никогда! Я лучше не буду петь. Лучше в караоке, для себя любимой ". Комментации пользовать пользовательный просторования пользования? Я считаю, что это унизительно. Я не говорю, что петь в ресторане — унизительно для артиста. Но это когда ты только начинаешь, а не когда уже пела с Аллой Пугачевой, а потом пошла в ресторан.

— А другие варианты на тот момент были?

— Да, у меня были другие песни. Просто ими нужно было заниматься. Мы разошлись, и эти песни легли в стол — они там до сих пор лежат. Потом у меня был такой период, что мне вообще ничего не хотелось делать, поэтому я занялась одеждой. Вот тогда я горела, вдохновлялась. До двух-трех ночи сидела в интернете, подсматривала идеи. Мне это было очень интересно. Сейчас я все это продолжаю, но меня интересует карьера артиста.

— У вас есть план?

— Конечно. Мы его составили.

— Расскажите.

— Ну как же рассказывать о планах? О планах не рассказывают. Я расскажу о том, что происходит сейчас. Записаны четыре песни — я сделала это в ноябре, в Израиле в студии у Дениса. Знаете, когда в феврале хотели выпустить первую песню, мы отправили ее на прослушивание в Россию для нескольких сотен радиостанций. Они слушают и дают свою оценку. Они выставили ей баллы, и мы передумали — выпустили сначала песню «На части», которая больше подходит мне по духу.

— Такой гимн сильной и независимой.

— Нет, я не говорю, что я независимая. Я не хочу быть амазонкой. Я просто рассказала о себе, о том, что чувствую внутри. Я ни в коем случае не хочу быть независимой и говорить, что я сейчас всех порву. Я очень уважаю и люблю мужчин. Для меня мужчины — это высший класс, который нужно вдохновлять. Если есть мужчина, я хочу быть просто свободной, а не независимой. Независимость — это глупости. Все эти женщины, которые чувствуют себя такими, куда-то рвутся, качают себе все части тела… Я сама, я сама. Это такая глупость и утопия! Я хочу быть за мужем, за мужчиной. Но это другая тема для разговора.

— Да, мы сейчас с вами в дебри уйдем.

— У нас есть предложения из Москвы. Мы этому очень рады и сейчас готовимся к съемкам клипа. Приехал ненадолго Денис, и у нас начнется обсуждение всех моментов видео. Потом мы отправим его в ротацию — и понеслась работа. Есть еще кое-какие планы, но о них я говорить не хочу.

Возможно, я пойду на отборочный тур «Евровидения». Послушаю себя и решу — готова ли я к этому внутренне. Идея у нас есть, а это главное. У нас всегда на «Евровидение» приходят поучаствовать, а я хочу победить.

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