Agreement on "visa-free travel" between Belarus and China will enter into force on August 10


This was reported on his Twitter account by Belorussian ambbadador to China, Kirill Rudy. From 10 August, an agreement on a 30-day mutual regime between Belarus and China comes into effect. We recall that Belarusians will be able to spend up to 90 days in China, as well as the Chinese in our country.

– On August 10, 2018, an agreement on a 30-day mutual visa waiver regime between Belarus and China enters into force, Rudy.

Remember that visas for Belarusians now cost between $ 30 and $ 90 depending on the type. As we have already mentioned, Belarusian tourists do not go to China as often as Chinese tourists visit us. The tourist activity marks the growing interest of the Chinese for Belarus. They say that Moscow and Peter are for them yesterday, now they want to watch the bison and try moonshine at Dudutki.

– Before, we could not persuade them to come in and say, "What do you have to watch and what to do?" – said the deputy director of the company "Comfort Travel" Inna Levchuk. – Now considered, the opinion has changed. Our nature is very interesting for them, especially Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Berezinsky Reserve. Recently, a group from Shanghai was brought – Dudutki loved them, they never saw a buffalo … Now they flew to Ukraine, to continue the tour. They usually combine several countries – for example, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Georgia …

In general, a year ago, Chinese tourism was almost not, only strong delegations – energy, narcologists … But now the requests have been made for the reception of the groups. And yes, there are problems with visas. To receive them, you have to do a lot of documents, for example, to fill out a complex questionnaire with indication of the workplace, other data. Sometimes, from our embbady we called back, we clarified – if that person really steals us, where she will live and so on. Of course, the abolition of visas will simplify things a lot.

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