Alexandra Sasnovich entered for the first time in the third round of singles at Wimbledon


Alexandra Sasnovich, a Belarusian for the first time in her career, entered the third round of singles at Wimbledon.


In the match of round 2 Alexandra Sasnovich (WTA rankings # 50) defeated US representative Taylor Townsend (No. 73 WTA) – 6: 0, 6: 4. The meeting lasted for 70 minutes

In the first set, which lasted 25 minutes, the Belarusian player did not take any games at all. the rival.

Alexandra first took the lead in the second set (1: 0). However, then the American added in the field performance and pulled forward (2: 1, 4: 2). But Sasnovich broke the course of events, winning 4 games in a row and for the first time in his career having issued a ticket for the 3rd round of Wimbledon.

Townsend-Sasnovic – 0: 6, 4: 6

Ace 3-5. ] Double errors 0-1.

First successful deposit 51% (47 out of 93) – 55% (63 out of 97).

First winning win 46% (23 of 50) – 65% (22 of 34).

Second round winner 39% (9 of 23) – 55% (6 of 11).

Points scored in the net 46% (18 of 39) – 55% (6 of 11).

The implementation of breaking points 50% (2 out of 4) – 33% (6 out of 18).

Points earned at the reception 38% (17 out of 45) – 56% (41 out of 73). [19659008] All points earned 49-69.

Alexandra Sasnovich will play in 1/16 finals with the 25th World Racket Daria Gavrilova of Australia.

Sasnovich is the only representative of Belarus, continuing singles performances at Wimbledon. July 3 Alexandra became the author of a strong sensation, in the first round by eliminating the main favorite of Czech Czech tournament Petru Kvitov (№ 7 WTA).

In the Wimbledon Women's Doubles Tournament Arina Sobolenko with the Russian Veronica Kudermetova managed to overcome the first round, beating the international duo Jessica Moore (Australia) / Daniel Collins (USA) – 5: 7, 6: 4, 6: 2 in a difficult three-set match

In the 1/16 finals of Sobolenko and Kudermetova will play with a pair of Lucia Gradecka (Czech Republic) / Xie Shwei (Taiwan).

But the Belarusian Lee Morozov and the Netherlands Leslie Kerkhov were eliminated in the first round today, losing against Peter Martich (Croatia) / Magdalena Rybarikova (Slovakia) – 5: 7 , 3: 6.

They did not arrive at the second tower of the double dump and the Belarusian Vera Lapko with the representative of Australia Daria Gavrilova. In the opening match, they lost to Romania's Irina-Kamelia Begu and Michael Buzarnescu – 3: 6, 6: 7 (3: 7).

July 4 at the 1st round of the Wimbledon Twinning Contest for Women of Belarus Alexandra Sasnovich ] and the Chinese Duan Yingin lost to the US-Romanian duo Kaitlyn Christian / Ana Bogdan – 3: 6, 4 :

On July 2 in the first round of Wimbledon, the first racket of Belarus was eliminated from the only category Arina Sobolenko (No. 32 of the WTA qualification), which lost to the representative from Romania Michael Buzarnescu (n ° 28) in three sets.

July 4 solo performance (1945-9003) Victoria Azarenko (No. 87 WTA), lost in the second round against the Czech Karolina Plishkova (№ 8 WTA).

In the match of the second round on July 4, the Belarusian lost Vera Lapko (No. 82 WTA), giving way to the thirteenth worldwide Julia Görges of Germany

In the men's doubles, the Belarusian Andrei Vasilevsky and the Croatian Antonio Shancic in the first round on July 4 took top Japanese tennis players Taro Daniel / Eshito Nishioka – 6: 3, 6: 4, 6: 4

In 1/16 finals Vasilevsky and Shanchich will compete with the duo Robin Haase (Netherlands) / Dress (19659004) Belarus Maxim Mirny and the Austrian Philip Oswald started the starting match against Argentine Horacio Seballas and Chilean Julio Peralta on July 4, but it was postponed due to bad weather when the score was 1: 6. 3: 2. The fight ended on July 5 and ended with the defeat of Mirny and Oswald – 1: 6, 7: 6 (7: 5), 2: 6, 6: 7 (1965) (19659029) (function () {var _fbq = window ._fbq || (window._fbq = []); if (! _fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement (& # 39; script); fbds.async = true; fbds.src = "http: // connect / en_US / fbds.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _fbq.loaded = true;}; _fbq.push ([‘addPixelId’,’644378592349624′]);}) (); window._fbq = window._fbq || []; window._fbq.push ([‘track’,’PixelInitialized’,{}]); [ad_2]
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