"All places are busy on the beach". In Yalta photographed tanning on the roof of Mercedes Belorussians


In Belarus, Belarusians sunbathed on the roof of the car while driving. Photos of vacationers appeared in the group "Yalta's Shame Board" on Facebook.

  Photo: Elena Medvedenko, fb.com

Users report that Mercedes (registration marks of the Gomel region) with people taking a sunbath on the roof has been seen in different places of the city [lescommentairessuggèrentquel'hommesurletoitestenétatd'ébriétélestouristesn'étaientpasvus[19659005]   Photo: Victoria Komarova, fb.com "border =" 0 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 521 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https://img.tyt.by/n /avto/0a/e/1-belorusy_v_yalte_na_kryshe_avto_27072018.jpg "title =" Photo: Victoria Komarova, fb.com "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/> </p>
<p>  This behavior of the Belarussians has caused criticism in the social networks, but they were found and those who with humor reacted to such an unusual act. "Because on the beach, you will not tan. All places are busy ", – wrote one of the commentators. </p>
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