Ambassador of France in Belarus on the relations between Macron and Trump, "Helsinki-2" and the tolerance of Byelorussians


What place does France occupy today, how does Macron and Trump's personal relations affect the country's politics, why does the French president want to "join Russia in Europe" and how tolerant are Belarusians? 39, Ambbadador of Belarus to Belarus Didier Kaness to TUT.BY.

  Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" /5_dide_kaness_06072018_zam_tutby_phsl.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" 5_dide_kaness_06072018_zam_tutby_phsl.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" / 1 / 5_dide_kaness_06072018_zam_tutby_phsl .jpg "title =" Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/> </p>
<p>  With the Ambbadador we meet just before the quarterback match World Cup finals, where Uruguay and France meet.To talk football, the diplomat refuses: in the evening, he will go watch the match in the fan zone in the center of Minsk, where the French " Minsk "will come together to cheer for their national team, but they will be retained. only to the first goal of the team at the gates of Uruguay. </p>
<p>  <img alt=

Didier Kaness have a real diplomat can not hear that on a great policy and begins a conversation of the place of France in the world.

– France is a world power with total diplomacy, the permanent member of the UN Security Council, the fifth world's economy, the most powerful military power of the European Union and the second in terms of the number of diplomatic missions in the world.We are convinced that the isolation, the world's nationalism. We defend multilateralism, the strengthening of which is at the heart of our diplomacy. Of course, the protection and promotion of human rights is also an important area of ​​French foreign policy. This year we will celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations and, in this regard, it is important to remember the universality of human rights. 39, man, especially when this universality is sometimes questioned ] – For example, when under the pretext of protecting the so-called traditional values, the injustice, the oppression and the discrimination are masked.

Our place in the world we see in the center of a sovereign, united and strong Europe. France is taking the initiative to build a more powerful European Union, which would further protect its citizens. And to accomplish this task, we believe that it is necessary to strengthen the European policy of defense and security. It is necessary to strengthen the European capacity to respond to the challenges of migration – it is a very urgent subject. We must move forward on the path of greater economic integration within the euro area. We are also convinced that the European Union should be at the forefront of innovation and the knowledge economy in the fight against climate change

– How do you generally evaluate relations between Belarus and France

? and they are constantly evolving. Political dialogue is intensifying. The other day, a friendship group from France – Belarus of the National Assembly of France visited Minsk and Brest. Oleg Kravchenko, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, visited France in March this year, and in May this year, Igor Karpenko, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus, was also in Paris. We try to work more actively on our cooperation in the field of higher education. We believe that at the present time there are not enough links between French and Belorussian universities. We know that higher education, both in France and in Belarus, is at a high level. Higher education in public universities in France is free for both the French themselves and for foreign students. However, out of 270,000 foreign students in France, only 400 Belarusian students study. In France, student mobility is spreading more and more and more than eighty thousand French young people go to study abroad. The education of students abroad is encouraged because it allows young people to know the world, learn languages ​​and gain intercultural communication experience. In this context, I would like to draw your attention to the launch in September of the program "Diploma of French Economist" between the BSEU and the University of Poitiers, which will allow Belarusian students to remotely receive the program. French economic education. This program is open to all Belarusian students who study economics and management, as well as to those who speak French.

– I would like to speak about the relations of France with the great powers. Photos of the Macron and Trump meeting went around the world: Judging by the statements and statements made during the meeting, the presidents have excellent relations. In your opinion, does the personal relationship between Macron and Trump in any way affect the real political processes within countries and in the world?

– The United States remains our most important ally. First, we are bound by historical ties that date back to the creation of this country, secondly, we share common values: freedom, democracy, the rule of law. Our cooperation is particularly active in the fight against terrorism: we are fighting side by side against IGIL, the United States is providing substantial support to France in the Sahel. With the United States and Britain, we have shown in Syria that the use of chemical weapons against civilians by the regime of Bashar Assad is unacceptable. We have a lot of ground for understanding. But at the same time, there are disagreements. Unlike Washington, we believe that the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program should be preserved. We also have disagreements with President Trump on the fight against climate change: President Trump has decided to withdraw from the Treaty of Paris, which we deeply regret. But we are confident that someday the United States will come back to this agreement, because there is no alternative and we do not have a spare planet.

As for the personal relationships of Presidents Makron and Trump, personal relationships always help to understand each other. So, in politics, it is very important, it is the basic principle of diplomacy.

– Today 's relations between Russia and the West call for a new cold war. But President Macron, as Russian political scientists have written after the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, plays the role of the dove of the world, who hopes in the long run "to show Putin the true path and reach Russia towards l & # 39; Europe. " Is this really necessary for France? And to what extent is the rest of Europe ready for this?

  Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" /7_dide_kaness_06072018_zam_tutby_phsl.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" n / zamirovskiy / 00 / a / 7_dide_kaness_06072018_zam_tutby_phsl.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" 720x720s / n / zamirovskiy / 00 /a/7_dide_kaness_06072018_zam_tutby_phsl.jpg "title =" Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/> </p>
<p>  – We believe that Russia is needed partner to solve important international issues, so that we maintain an intensive dialogue with Russia, we believe that the restoration of confidence in Russia requires proof of our intention to respect our interests and the interests and sovereignty of our European partners. "We believe ns that a dialogue with Russia can lead to results. </p>
<p>  <strong> – If we are talking about "guardians of peace," then Minsk sees himself as such. How do you evaluate Minsk's role in the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis and its declaration to become a platform for peace for the whole world? </strong> </p>
<p>  – We regard Belarus as a partner for stability in Eastern Europe and highly appreciate its restraint in the issue of conflict in Ukraine. We are grateful for the platform that Belarus is providing for the negotiations on the implementation of the Minsk agreements. With the initiative of Helsinki-2, Belarus has shown that it was in favor of restoring confidence in Europe and strengthening the European security architecture. . France shares these objectives </p>
<p>  <strong> – In one of your interviews, you said that the French are a very political people: not a single family meal goes without political discussions. And what do you see Belarusians? We are a political people? </strong></p>
<p><img alt=

– I often ask this question to Belarusian friends, but, As I l ​​& # In this interview, the French are more involved in political life in their country, are more active in defending their rights and are sure that they can influence politics in their country.

– You have been working in Minsk for two years and during that time there has been many major events, but all ended rather than changing in the country.

– I will be sincere – we are concerned about the issue of human rights. We are particularly concerned about the situation of freedom of badembly and badociation. We have a frank dialogue with the Belarusian authorities. It is important that this dialogue leads to concrete results. Another important issue for us is the abolition of the death penalty, for which France is very active. We understand that it is a sensitive problem. The first step towards its abolition would be the introduction of a moratorium on the death penalty

– And what to do to make this happen?

– This requires political will. It would be important to open this public discussion because it is necessary to explain to people why the death penalty violates human dignity and that it does not have a dissuasive effect – it is scientifically proven in the countries where it has been abolished. This is not an effective way of fighting crime.

– The question of tolerance of Belarussians has also become very relevant in our country recently. Same-bad marriages in France were legalized in 2013. At the same time, the law gave same-bad couples the right to adopt children. How do you evaluate the official reaction of the Belarussian Interior Ministry to the LGBT flag displayed by the British Embbady?

– Tolerance, it is the acceptance and respect of differences. Voltaire wrote in the Treatise on Tolerance: "I do not agree with you, but I will fight to the death so that you have the right to express your opinion. And indeed, a tolerant society supposes a free expression of political thoughts, it is a society without censorship. Tolerance in society is also measured by the attitude towards minorities, including badual relations. You probably can not do it in a day, but it is important to discuss these issues without prejudice and freely.

 Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

– France is one of the founders of the European Union. To date, Belarus and the European Union have no legal relations During the recent visit of European Commissioner Khan to Minsk a few weeks ago, he said that the priorities of the partnership would be signed before the end of the year. When will Belarus's relations with the EU move from the point of view of negotiations? The degree of proximity of relations between Belarus and the European Union is jointly determined, which must be taken into account. As for France, we are convinced that there is a future for these relations. The deepening of this cooperation is in the interest of the EU and Byelorussia. Belarus is a member of the Eastern Partnership and the aim of this initiative is to create a space for stability, cooperation and prosperity. The question of the choice of Belarus between Russia and the European Union is not raised. France is convinced that, given the geographical situation and the history of Belarus, its interest lies in the desire to develop a balanced relationship with both partners.

Hopefully the partnership priorities will be signed as soon as possible. As regards the agreements on the simplification of visa procedures, negotiations are almost complete, but some issues have not yet been resolved. We hope that these negotiations will be completed soon, this agreement is important for the Belarusians, because the price of visas will be halved

  Photo: Facebook Xavier Le Torrivellek
Ambbadador Didier Kaness and the fan club of the French national team after the victory of the national team on Uruguay. Photo: Facebook Xavier The Torrivellec

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