"And everything goes with them." Putin for the first time commented on the incident in the Kerch Strait


Vladimir Putin has described the conflict in the Azov sea of ​​25 November as provocative for Ukraine. The Russian president expressed his opinion during the Russia Calling Forum, reports Vedomosti.

Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters

The actions of Kiev Putin have been linked to the upcoming presidential elections. According to him, it was "an unscrupulous game in the interest of repressing political opponents".

Putin expressed surprise at the fact that martial law was introduced in the country after "the usual incident at the border". "Just a provocation," he said.

According to RBC, the Russian president recalled that in September a similar caravan of Ukrainian warships had crossed the Strait of Kerch, but that the Ukrainian authorities had then responded to all the demands of Russia and had received a pilot.

In badessing the actions of border guards, Putin pointed out that "foreign ships invaded the territory of Russia and did not respond". "They (border guards) have fulfilled their legitimate duties in protecting the integrity of the Russian Federation," said Putin.

He also added that the Kiev authorities "managed to sell the anti-Russian sentiments" because they had nothing left to sell.

"And everything goes with them. If they ask for breakfast for babies, they and babies seem to be served, "said Putin.

"This political scum will appease and the Ukrainian people will one day evaluate the leaders, just as the Georgian people have taken stock of Saakashvili's activities," he said.

The Russian leader also said he was confident that, despite all the current difficulties concerning both countries, the Russian and Ukrainian peoples would always remain fraternal and close to each other. "Regarding the long-term prospects, whatever they are, regardless of the power in Kiev, the Russian and Ukrainian peoples have always been and will always be fraternal and very close people," Vladimir Putin said. .

The Russian president also advised the United States to abandon the unilateral sanctions policy.

"I hope that if we manage to talk with the American president in Argentina, we will talk about it too," said the Russian leader.

The Russian president noted that all illegal and politically motivated restrictions were detrimental to the perpetrators. "We have with the countries of the European Union, and it is our largest trading and economic partner, a turnover of 450 billion dollars, currently – 236 [млрд долларов]I think, "he added.

Vladimir Putin spoke for the first time of the incident in the Kerch Strait, where Russian border guards arrested three Ukrainian warships on 25 November.

Previously, while answering the question of why, despite the gravity of the incident, Putin had made no comment, the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said that "the President will do when he deems it necessary ".

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